
Mortal Kombat 4

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D00F1AB0 00??
2Activator 2 P1D00F1AB1 00??
3Dual Activator P1D10F1AB0 00??
4Activator 1 P2D00F1AB8 00??
5Activator 2 P2D00F1AB9 00??
6Dual Activator P2D10F1AB8 ????
7Activator 1 P3D00F1AC0 00??
8Activator 2 P3D00F1AC1 00??
9Dual Activator P3D10F1AC0 ????
10Activator 1 P4D00F1AC8 00??
11Activator 2 P4D00F1AC9 00??
12Dual Activator P4D10F1AC8 ????
13Activator 1 P1 #2D00B9548 00??
14Activator 2 P1 #2D00B9549 00??
15Dual Activator P1 #2D10B9548 ????
16Activator 1 P2 #2D00B954E 00??
17Activator 2 P2 #2D00B954F 00??
18Dual Activator P2 #2D10B954E ????
19Activator 1 P3 #2D00B9554 00??
20Activator 2 P3 #2D00B9555 00??
21Dual Activator P3 #2D10B9554 ????
22Activator 1 P4 #2D00B955A 00??
23Activator 2 P4 #2D00B955B 00??
24Dual Activator P4 #2D10B955A ????
25Activator 1 P1 #3D00C3E44 00??
26Activator 2 P1 #3D00C3E45 00??
27Dual Activator P1 #3D10C3E44 ????
28Activator 1 P2 #3D00C3E4C 00??
29Activator 2 P2 #3D00C3E4D 00??
30Dual Activator P2 #3D10C3E4C ????
31Activator 1 P3 #3D00C3E54 00??
32Activator 2 P3 #3D00C3E55 00??
33Dual Activator P3 #3D10C3E54 ????
34Activator 1 P4 #3D00C3E5C 00??
35Activator 2 P4 #3D00C3E5D 00??
36Dual Activator P4 #3D10C3E5E ????
Cheat Menu Options
37Have Endings Off80048CBF 0000
38Have Endings On80048CBF 0001
39Have Fatalities 1 Off80048CC3 0000
40Have Fatalities 1 On80048CC3 0001
41Have Fatalities 2 Off80048CC7 0000
42Have Fatalities 2 On80048CC7 0001
43Have Level Fatalities Off80048CCB 0000
44Have Level Fatalities On80048CCB 0001
Player 1 Codes
45P1 Character1800FE293 00??
46P1 Move Modifier28011DACF 000?
47Infinite Health P1810FE0D8 0001
810FE0DA 0000
48Cheat Device Button For 25% Health P1890FE0D8 0000
890FE0DA 4000
49Cheat Device Button For 50% Health P1890FE0D8 0000
890FE0DA 8000
50Cheat Device Button For 75% Health P1890FE0D8 0000
890FE0DA C000
51Cheat Device Button For 1-Hit Death P1890FE0D8 0000
890FE0DA 0001
52No Health P1810FE0D8 0000
810FE0DA 0000
53FAKE Max Health P1810FE736 FFFF
54FAKE Infinite Run P1810FE044 0001
55Infinite Run P181104FCC 0001
81104FCE 0000
56No Run P181104FCC 0000
81104FCE 0000
57Costume Modifier P138104A4E2 00??
58Infinite Credits P1810F8506 0063
59No Credits P1810F8506 0000
60P1 Always Meat81126F42 0001
61P1 Never Meat81126F41 0000
62Total Wins Modifier P1810FE27E 00??
Player 2 Codes
63P2 Character80126E8F 00??
64P2 Move Modifier8011DBB67 00??
65Infinite Health P281126F54 0001
81126F56 0000
66Cheat Device Button For 25% Health P289126F54 0000
89126F56 4000
67Cheat Device Button For 50% Health P289126F54 0000
89126F56 8000
68Cheat Device Button For 75% Health P289126F54 0000
89126F56 C000
69Cheat Device Button For 1-Hit Death P289126F54 0000
89126F56 0001
70No Health P281126F54 0000
81126F56 0000
71FAKE Max Health P281105012 FFFF
72FAKE Infinite Run P281126E54 0001
73Infinite Run P281105080 0001
81105082 0000
74No Run P281105080 0000
81105082 0000
75Costume Modifier P28104A4E6 00??
76Infinite Credits P2810F84BA 0063
77No Credits P2810F84BA 0000
78P2 Always Meat81126F46 0001
79P2 Never Meat81126F46 0000
80Total Wins Modifier P2810FE09E 00??
Miscellaneous Codes
81Skip Straight To Ending80104F9B 0010
82Infinite Time At "Choose Your Destiny"8011DABF 0015
83Infinite Fatality Time48011D7FB 0007
84Infinite Fatality Time (100% Fixed)D111D7EA A894
8011D7FB 00F0
85Always Fight Position Modifier581104F9A 00??
86Fight Word Always Repeating8111DEBE 0001
87Infinite Time8010511B 0063
88No Time8010511B 0000
89Infinite Time to Choose Characters80126F73 0014
90No Time to Choose Characters80126F73 0000
91Kombat Kode Modifier681126F6E ????
92Rumble Pak Enabled Modiifer7800493B4 00??
93Blood Enabled Modifier8800493B5 00??
94Have Big Head Mode Off80048CB5 0000
95Have Big Head Mode On80048CB5 0001
96Stay On Character Screen Forever800FE19C A3B4
97Faster Fatality Finish8114A94D 9700
98Undo Fatalities98014A96D 0000
99Kitana In MK4!10800FE293 0010
100Add "Restart This Match" Option To The Arcade Mode Pause Menu8004938B 0002
101Background Modifier [Requires Above Code!]11800FE55B 000?
102Rounds To Win Modifier800493B3 00??
103Continue Modifier800493BF 00??
104Press L For No Jump12D00F1AB1 0020
800FEA8C 0001
105Infinite Round and Play After Round Ends800FE667 0000
106Play as Rain138004C110 0020
8004C111 0020
8004C112 0020
8004C113 0053
8004C114 0041
8004C115 0049
8004C116 0045
8011DACF 0001
107Hit Anyone Anywhere811BCBC0 2400
108Messed Up Text8018EACF 0002
109Speed Lock8001E1A5 1830
110Timer Doesn't Run8014A60C 2400
111Infinite Run (Both Players)811BF7EC 2400
112Infinite Fatality Time With No Side Effects8114A870 2400
113Hyper Mode810EFEF2 7CB0
Ultimate Endurance Kombat Rating Modifiers
114Body Count14800F84CB 00??
115Perfect Kills800F87EB 00??
116Fatalities800F8813 00??

100 - Scorpion
01 - Raiden
02 - Sonya
03 - Liu Kang
04 - Sub-Zero
05 - Fujin
06 - Shinnok
07 - Reiko
08 - Quan Chi
09 - Tanya
0A - Reptile
0B - Kai
0C - Jarek
0D - Jax
0E - Johnny Cage
0F - Goro
10 - Kitana (2-Player Mode ONLY)
11 - Noob Saibot
200 - Scorpion
01 - Raiden
02 - Sonya
03 - Liu Kang
04 - Sub-Zero
05 - Fujin
06 - Shinnok
07 - Reiko
08 - Quan Chi
09 - Tanya
0A - Reptile
0B - Kai
0C - Jarek
0D - Jax
0E - Johnny Cage
0F - Goro
10 - Kitana (2-Player Mode ONLY)
11 - Noob Saibot
30 - Normal
1 - First
2 - Second
3 - Third
4The only side-effect of this is that the match cannot be won by punching, kicking, or any other hitting of your opponent.
501 - 1st
02 - 2nd
03 - 3rd
04 - 4th
05 - 5th
06 - Goro (Novice)
06 - 6th (Beginner)
06 - 6th (Medium, M1 & M2)
07 - Shinnok (Novice)
07 - Goro (Beginner)
07 - 7th (Medium, M1 & M2)
08 - Shinnok (Beginner)
08 - Goro (Medium, M1 & M2)
09 - Shinnok (Medium, M1 & M2)
60000 - Nothing
0001 - Kode 2-Throwing Disabled
0002 - Kode 1-Free Weapon
0004 - Kode 3-Armed And Dangerous
0008 - Kode 4-Silent Kombat
0010 - Kode 5-Explosive Kombat
0020 - Kode 6-Random Weapons
0040 - Kode 7-No Power ??
0080 - Kode 8-Many Weapons
0100 - Kode 9-Ranper Kombat
0400 - Kode 11-Weapon Kombat
0800 - Kode 13-Noob Saibot Mode
1000 - Kode 14-Red Rain
2000 - Kode 15-Maximum Damage Disabled
4000 - Kode 26-Unlimited Run
700 - Disabled
01 - Enabled
800 - Disabled
01 - Enabled
9This code makes the one doing the fatality not do it! The other guy just gets killed by nothing, while the executor just stands there. The only problem is that it never says you win or did a fatality, so you can't go on to the next round and have to restart the game. Try reptiles `Face Eat'. It looks like he has a stare of death.
10Enter the code, then begin the game. Select the Arcade mode, and choose any character. Once the "Choose your destiny" screen pops up, choose your tower, then immediately begin hitting all the buttons so the camera doesn't zoom-in on the towers. If it does, the game will freeze. You are now Kitana!

You must use the `Restart This Match' code in order for this to work. Round 1 will always load a black background. Pause the game and press Restart This Match. The background that you chose will now appear.

0 - Goro's Lair
1 - Well
2 - Elder
3 - Tomb
4 - Wind
5 - Snake
6 - Shaolin
7 - Forest
8 - Prison
9 - Ice Pit
A - Skull (Secret Stage)
12This code will give a veeeeeeery small jump, so small that you really don't even move.. All that happens is your feet come off the ground. Only usefulness that I've found is that if you get shot with Scorpions spear, you don't move from where you are. There might be other uses though.
13or 8011DACF 0005
1. Choose reptile in his second costume(umk3).
2. He can have rayden's or fugin's moves.
3. With that pink ninja outfit.

The `Ultimate Endurance Kombat Rating' quantity digits go from 0 - 85!

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
Viper1874, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 110, 111
Sutaz46, 64, 101, 114, 115, 116
Bill Doyle81, 99
Rune a.k.a. Hitler82, 83
Parasyte84, 112
Game Master96
spidrmn000@aol.com97, 98
Parasyte100, 102, 103
Funky Munky104
crazy4 007105
Freeza & Parasyte107