
Madden 64

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time Outs Home Team80082D97 0003
2Infinite Time Outs Away Team80084EE3 0003
3No Time-Outs Home Team80082D97 0000
4No Time-Outs Away Team80084EE3 0000
5Home Team Score Modifier80082D95 00??
6Away Team Score Modifier80084EE1 00??
7Timer Modifier81087AAC ????
8Stop Timer8109C2A8 2400
9Timer Speed Modifier (Default FFFF)8109C29A ????
10Quarter Length Modifier81087A60 ????
11Infinite Time Outs - Both Teams8109EB7C 2400
12Infinite Time Outs - Both Teams (Alternate)8109EB70 2400
13Gain Time Outs Instead Of Losing Them - Both Teams8109EB72 0001
14Starting Number Of Time Outs Modifier - Both Teams8103E57A ????
15Quarter Length Modifier - 3 Minute Option810B342A ????
16Quarter Length Modifier - 5 Minute Option810B3402 ????
17Quarter Length Modifier - 10 Minute Option810B342E ????
18Quarter Length Modifier - 15 Minute Option810B341A ????
Enable Options
19Enable All Stadiums (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)50000901 0000
80073510 00FF
20Enable All Teams (Cheat Device 3.0 or Higher Needed!)50000901 0000
80073CF8 00FF
21Have Oakland Stadium80073510 00FF
22Have Miami Stadium80073511 00FF
23Have EA Sports Stadium80073512 00FF
24Have Cleveland Stadium80073513 00FF
25Have Houston Stadium80073514 00FF
26Have Tiburon Stadium80073515 00FF
27Have Washington Stadium80073516 00FF
28Have Tampa Stadium80073517 00FF
29Have Dallas Stadium80073518 00FF
30Extra Stadium81073510 FFFF
81073512 FFFF
81073514 FFFF
81073516 FFFF
80073518 00FF
31Have 97 Conference A Team80073CF8 00FF
32Have 97 Conference B Team80073CF9 00FF
33Have 60 Conference B Team80073CFA 00FF
34Have All 70's Team80073CFB 00FF
35Have All 80's Team80073CFC 00FF
36Have All Time Madden80073CFD 00FF
37Have All Time Stats Leaders Team80073CFE 00FF
38Have EA Sports Team80073CFF 00FF
39Have Tiburon Team80073D00 00FF
40Extra Teams81073CF8 FFFF
80073D00 00FF
Miscellaneous Codes
41Cheat Device Button For 1st Down89089320 0001
42Cheat Device Button For 4th Down89089320 0004
43P1 Press L For First DownD0087F93 0020
81089320 0001
44P2 Press L For First DownD0087F97 0020
81089320 0001
45P3 Press L For First DownD0087F9B 0020
81089320 0001
46P4 Press L For First DownD0087F9F 0020
81089320 0001
47P1 Press R For Fourth DownD0087F93 0010
81089320 0004
48P2 Press R For Fourth DownD0087F97 0010
81089320 0004
49P3 Press R For Fourth DownD0087F9B 0010
81089320 0004
50P4 Press R For Fourth DownD0087F9F 0010
81089320 0004
51P1 Press L For More Time To Choose PlayD0087F93 0020
80087759 0028
52P2 Press L For More Time To Choose PlayD0087F97 0020
80087759 0028
53P3 Press L For More Time To Choose PlayD0087F9B 0020
80087759 0028
54P4 Press L For More Time To Choose PlayD0087F9F 0020
80087759 0028
55Home Team Always Has The Ball1810886E0 0001
81088AE4 0000
56Away Team Always Has The Ball2810886E0 0000
81088AE4 0001
57Invisible Players800545A0 0000
800545A0 0001
800545A0 0002
800545A0 0003
58Gray Madden Background810596E0 0000
59Pink Madden Background810596E0 0001
60Green & Black Madden Background810596E0 0002
61Coloured Madden Background810596E0 0003
62Pink & Purple Madden Background810596E0 0004
63Pink Madden Background810596E0 0005
64Pinker Madden Background810596E0 0006

1With these codes, you can't choose the first play for 1st and 10, but after that, you can choose your plays again.
2With these codes, you can't choose the first play for 1st and 10, but after that, you can choose your plays again.

CodeMaster1, 2, 5, 6, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
GSC3, 4
Viper1877, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Crock (of shit)19, 20
Nin64world@aol.com57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64