
Knockout Kings 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Always Have Super Punch P18106B9A6 012C
2Always Have Super Punch P28106B9AE 012C
3Recovery Meter Modifier P18106B64C ????
8106B64E ????
4Recovery Meter Modifier P28106B71C ????
8106B71E ????
5Infinite Health P18106B974 42C8
8106B976 0000
6Infinite Health P28106BA7C 42C8
8106BA7E 0000
7No Health P18106B974 0000
8106B976 0000
8No Health P28106BA7C 0000
8106BA7E 0000
9Max Power P18106B980 0000
8106B982 0BB2
10No Power P18106B980 0000
8106B982 0000
11Max Power P28106BA88 0000
8106BA8A 0BB2
12No Power P28106BA88 0000
8106BA8A 0000
13Easy K.O.18006755F 000A
14Stop Timer81067546 001C
15Round Modifier80067567 00??
16Half Ass Rapid Fire & Hit Anywhere Code (Both Players)2810B56A0 1000
17Can't Hit Anyone810B5690 1000
18Automatic Slobberknocker3810DCE7C 2400
810DCE98 2400
810DD00C 2400
19Neither Player's Super Punch Meter Builds Up810DB548 2400
20P1 Character Modifier4800EC6F3 00??
21P2 Character Modifier800EC6F7 00??
22P1 Control Modifier5800EC6FB 00??
23P2 Control Modifier800EC6FF 00??
24Ring Modifier6800EC703 00??
25Timer Speed Modifier (Default 0001)810C2FA6 ????
26Timer Doesn't Run810C2FAC 2400
27Arena Modifier7800EC703 00??
28No Health Recovery For Either Player810DAEE0 2400
29Health Recovery Rate Modifier (Default 40000000)810FE320 ????
810FE322 ????
30P1 Power Modifier8106B93A ????
31P1 Speed Modifier8106B942 ????
32P1 Stamina Modifier8106B946 ????
33P2 Power Modifier8106BA42 ????
34P2 Speed Modifier8106BA46 ????
35P2 Stamina Modifier8106BA4A ????
36Break Max Stats8810DBB14 1000
37Max Stats Modifier (Default 0065, 0064)810DBB12 ????
810DBB1E ????
38Break Stats Power810DBB60 1000
39Min Stats Modifier (Default 0065, 0064)810DBB5E ????
810DBB66 ????
Create A Boxer Codes
40Max Power81063746 0064
41Max Speed8106374A 0064
42Max Stamina8106374E 0064
43Infinite Creation Points81063742 0064
44Big Head Mode800F401C 0001
45Big Glove Mode800F401D 0001
46Power Punch After 1st Punch P18006B983 0064
47Power Punch After 1st Punch P28006BA8B 0064
48Don't Lose/Gain Creation Points8108F8F0 2400
Slugfest Option Codes
49Rounds Modifier9800ECD07 00??
50Flash Knockdown Modifier10800ECD1B 00??
51Difficulty Modifier11800ECD27 00??
52Music Volume (00-64)800ECD0B 00??
53Sound SFX Volume (00-64)800ECD0F 00??
54Stereo/Mono Modifier12800ECD1F 00??
55Clock Modifier13800ECD17 00??
56Play By Play Modifier14800ECD13 00??
57High Score Modifier15800ECD23 00??
Career Mode Codes
58K.O.s Modifier80068BF3 00??
59??-00-00 Modifier80068BE7 00??
6000-??-00 Modifier80068BEB 00??
6100-00-?? Modifier80068BEF 00??
62Points Modifier81068BF6 ????
63Max Points81068BF4 7FFF
81068BF6 FFFF
64Character Modifier800ECDA7 00??

1The first person who gets knocked to the mat will force a count of ten and will lose the match.
2After you connect once, you can hit from anywhere. If you hold R/Z and Punch, it punches like 40 times in a row real quick.
3When the fight starts, both guys will take a beating til their lifebars are depleated then the game freezes.
4Digits for Character Modifier
00 - Ali
01 - Frazier
02 - Holmes
03 - Holyfield
04 - Lewis
05 - Tua
06 - Spinks
07 - Butterbean
08 - De La Hoya
09 - Leonard
0A - Hagler
0B - Duran
0C - Whitaker
0D - Quartey
0E - Carr
0F - Vargas
10 - Reid
11 - Moskey
12 - Pryor
13 - Argnello
14 - O'Grady
15 - Mayweather
16 - Manfredy
17 - Kelley
18 - Romero
19 - Random
1A - Created Boxer
1B - Creater Boxer
1C - Dempsey
1D - K. Orr
1E - IUppa
1F - S. Sandoval
20 - S. Broadhurst
21 - Pole
22 - Hasson
23 - Alameda
24 - Wahlberg
25 - Scott
26 - Hopra
27 - Eckhardt
28 - Parker
29 - Ruiz
2A - F. Sandoval
2B - Ang
2C - Bristov
2D - Botti
2E - S. Orr
2F - Zarifes
30 - Giolito
31 - Garrett
32 - Barclay
33 - Wynne
34 - Lupidi
35 - W. Aguitar
36 - Di Ricco
37 - Philippine
38 - M. Broadhurst
39 - Weaver
3A - Lajoie
3B - Greenberg
3C - Quinn
3D - Perone
3E - Tool
3F - Bunch
40 - St. Aubyn
41 - Wells
42 - Dexter
43 - Hsu
44 - Bazzel
45 - Thompson
46 - Eklund
47 - Tallarico
48 - de Leon
49 - Coallier
5Modifies who controls the boxer.

00 - Player
01 - CPU
600 - Great Western Forum
01 - Caesars Palace
02 - Ecko Sports Arena
03 - International Arena
04 - Local 440
05 - The Colosseum
06 - Roppongi Palace
07 - Wembley Arena
08 - Knockout Kings Arena
700 Great Western Forum
01 Ceasers Palace
02 Ecko Sports Arena
03 International Arena
04 Local 440
05 The Collosseum
06 Roppongi Palace
07 Wenbly Arena
08 Knockout Kings Arena
8At the start of a match, when it loads each fighters' stats, they can be a max of 100 (64 hex). This makes it so they can be anything. Makes CAB/Boxer Stats Mods more useful. :)
900 - 1
01 - 2
02 - 3
03 - 4
04 - 6
05 - 8
06 - 10
1000 - None
01 - Low
02 - High
1100 - Easy
01 - Medium
02 - Hard
1200 - Stereo
01 - Mono
1302 - Normal
05 - Fast
1400 - Off
01 - On
1500 - View
01 - Erase

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 19, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61
CodeMaster5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 40, 41, 42, 43
Parasyte16, 17, 18
Crock (of shit)20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 44, 45, 62, 63, 64
Shawn Schafer27
Robb47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57