
International Superstar Soccer 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 3.0+ Cheat Device
1Enable Code (Must Be On)F1066FD0 2400
2Enable Code Generator Code1F1061A44 1000
3Activator 1 P1D00CAAA4 00??
4Activator 2 P1D00CAAA5 00??
5Dual Activator P1D10CAAA4 00??
6Activator 1 P2D00CAAAC 00??
7Activator 2 P2D00CAAAD 00??
8Dual Activator P2D10CAAAC ????
9Activator 1 P3D00CAAB4 00??
10Activator 2 P3D00CAAB5 00??
11Dual Activator P3D10CAAB4 ????
12Activator 1 P4D00CAABC 00??
13Activator 2 P4D00CAABD 00??
14Dual Activator P4D10CAABC ????
15Activator 1 P1 #2D00D00B8 00??
16Activator 2 P1 #2D00D00B9 00??
17Dual Activator P1 #2D10D00B8 ????
18Activator 1 P2 #2D00D00BE 00??
19Activator 2 P2 #2D00D00BF 00??
20Dual Activator P2 #2D10D00BE ????
21Activator 1 P3 #2D00D00C4 00??
22Activator 2 P3 #2D00D00C5 00??
23Dual Activator P3 #2D10D00C4 ????
24Activator 1 P4 #2D00D00CA 00??
25Activator 2 P4 #2D00D00CB 00??
26Dual Activator P4 #2D10D00CA ????
27Control Stick Activator 1 P1D00CAAA6 00??
28Control Stick Activator 2 P1D00CAAA7 00??
29Dual Control Stick Activator P1D10CAAA6 ????
30Control Stick Activator 1 P2D00CAAAE 00??
31Control Stick Activator 2 P2D00CAAAF 00??
32Dual Control Stick Activator P2D10CAAAE ????
33Control Stick Activator 1 P3D00CAAB6 00??
34Control Stick Activator 2 P3D00CAAB7 00??
35Dual Control Stick Activator P3D10CAAB6 ????
36Control Stick Activator 1 P4D00CAABE 00??
37Control Stick Activator 2 P4D00CAABF 00??
38Dual Control Stick Activator P4D10CAABE ????
39Control Stick Activator 1 P1 #2D00D00BA 00??
40Control Stick Activator 2 P1 #2D00D00BB 00??
41Dual Control Stick Activator P1 #2D10D00BA ????
42Control Stick Activator 1 P2 #2D00D00C0 00??
43Control Stick Activator 2 P2 #2D00D00C1 00??
44Dual Control Stick Activator P2 #2D10D00C0 ????
45Control Stick Activator 1 P3 #2D00D00C6 00??
46Control Stick Activator 2 P3 #2D00D00C7 00??
47Dual Control Stick Activator P3 #2D10D00C6 ????
48Control Stick Activator 1 P4 #2D00D00CC 00??
49Control Stick Activator 2 P4 #2D00D00CD 00??
50Dual Control Stick Activator P4 #2D10D00CC ????
Miscellaneous Codes
51Home Team Score Modifier801A80D9 00??
52Away Team Score Modifier801A92C1 00??

1This game codes work for both hi-res and low-res. If you want to hack this game, use this Enable Code, and turn the Code Generator on.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 51, 52
Viper1876, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50