
Doom 64 Version 1.1

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D00631F8 00??
2Activator 2 P1D00631F9 00??
3Dual Activator P1D10631F8 00??
Have Keys
4Blue Key8006333F 0001
5Yellow Key80063343 0001
6Have Red Key80063344 0001
7Red Skull Key80063353 0001
8Have Yellow Skull Key8006334F 0001
9Have Blue Skull Key80063348 0001
Weapon Codes
10Always Have Gun80063373 0001
11Always Have Shotgun80063377 0001
12Always Have Double Shotgun8006337B 0001
13Always Have Chain Gun8006337F 0001
14Always Have Missile Launcher80063383 0001
15Always Have Chainsaw8006336B 0001
16Always Have Plasma Rifle80063387 0001
17Always Have BFG 90008006338B 0001
18Have Rocket Launcher80063381 0001
19Have Laser Weapon8006338F FFFF
Infinite Ammo Codes
20Gun/Chain Gun Ammo80063393 00FF
21Shotgun Ammo80063397 0064
22Plasma/BFG/Weapons Ammo8006339B 0064
23Missile Ammo8006339F 0064
24Laser Gun Ammo80063398 0064
Miscellaneous Codes
25Invincible800633BB 0002
26Infinite Armor8006331F 00FF
27Rapid Fire810633EA 0B94
28No Weapon Graphics800633F3 0000
29Turn Map Markers On800633BB 0004
30Invincible And Map Markers800633BB 0006
31Always Have Bio Suite80063333 00FF
32Always in Berserk Mode8006332B 00FF
33Always in Invincibility Mode80063327 00FF
34Weapons Modifier180063363 00??
35Enable Cheat Menu8005A883 0001
36Level Selected In Cheat Menu Modifier800A5647 00??
37Level Modifier2800632EB 00XX
38Health Modifier81063318 ????
8106331A ????
81142700 ????
81142702 ????
39Armor Modifier8016331C ????
8106331E ????
40Difficulty Modifier3800632E7 00??
41Y-Coordinate Modifier81142698 ????
42Pause Menu Color Modifier (R/G/B)810A81C0 ????
800A81C2 00??
43Kill The Red Tint/Brighten Up Levels810A81BE FFFF
44Have Backpack800633A2 0001
45Gun Visiblity Modifier800633F3 00??
46Pause Modifier4800A6323 000?
47Level 1 Gate Image Modifier810D842A ????
48Screen Glitch #180063330 000F
49Screen Glitch #2800633DE 000F
50Screen Glitch #3800633DD 000F
51Super Bright Doom800633DB 00FF
52Suicide Mode800633EF 000F
53Hi-Res Mode80063333 FFFF
54Trapped Doom802633BB 000F
55Text Letters Are Changed When You Pick Up An Item802633BB 000F
56Changes Text Letters #2800633CE 000F
57False Armor Count Displays 3840 Armor8006331E 000F
58Screen Glitch #480063304 000F
59???? Code8006332F FFFF

04-Super Shotgun
05-Chain gun
06-Rocket Launcher
07-Plasma Rifle
08-BFG 9000
09-Demon Laser
201-Staging Area
02-The Terraformer
03-Main Engineering
04-Holding Area
05-Tech Center
06-Alpha Quadrant
07-Research Lab
08-Final Outpost
09-Even Simpler
0A-The Bleeding
0B-Terror Core
0C-Altar of Pain
0D-Dark Citadel
0E-Eye of the Storm
0F-Dark Entries
10-Blood Keep
11-Watch your Step
12-Spawned Fear
13-The Spiral
16-Burnt Offerings
17-Unholy Temple
18-No Escape
19-Cat and Mouse
1C-The Absolution "Hidden"
1D-Outpost Omega "Hidden"
1E-The Lair "Hidden"
1F-In the Void "Hidden"
300-Be Gentle!
01-Bring it on
02-I own Doom
03-Watch me die!
04-Nightmare! (Unfinished)
40 - Unpaused
1 - Paused

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Soulz6, 8, 9, 19, 24, 25, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
Animal34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46