
Cruis'n World

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Enable Code (Must Be On)DE2AD400 0000
812FE5EC 2402
812FE5EE 0001
2Alternate Enable Code (Must Be One)DE2AD400 0000
F12FE5EC 2402
F12FE5EE 0001
CC000000 0000
3Activator 1 P1D03E3910 00??
4Activator 2 P1D03E3911 00??
5Dual Activator P1D13E3910 00??
6Activator 3 P2D03E3916 00??
7Activator 4 P2D03E3917 00??
8Dual Activator P2D13E3916 00??
9Activator 5 P3D03E391C 00??
10Activator 6 P3D03E391D 00??
11Dual Activator P3D13E391C 00??
12Activator 7 P4D03E3922 00??
13Activator 8 P4D03E3923 00??
14Dual Activator P4D13E3922 00??
15Infinite Time813D0D3C 4296
16Time Counts Down Faster813D0D3E 0000
17Cheat Device Button For Track Modifier883BF2EF 00??
18Open Florida And Moon Tracks813BF344 0101
19Always Race On Moon803BF2EF 000F
20Cheat Device Button For Cruis'n World Track Modifier1883BF2EE 00??
21Dancing Girl Always On803BEE73 0001
803C21CF 0054
22Have Cars Modifier2813BEE78 ????
23Always Place 1st P1803CE023 0001
24Unlimited Nitro P1803C75E7 0003
25Car/Transmission Modifier P13803BEE40 00??
26Stop Elapsed Time P1813C7678 3C80
27Always Place 1st P2803CE4FB 0001
28Unlimited Nitro P2803C7823 0003
29Stop Elapsed Time P2813C78B4 3C80
30Car/Transmission Modifier P24803BEE48 00??
31Always Place 1st P3803CDB4B 0001
32Unlimited Nitro P3803C716F 0064
33Car/Transmission Modifier P3803BEE50 00??
34Always Place 1st P4803CD673 0001
35Unlimited Nitro P4803C73AB 0003
36Car/Transmission Modifier P4803BEE58 00??
37Have All Car Upgrades803BEE42 0005
38Press L For Nitrous Boost P1D03E3911 0020
813CDD3C 43FF
39Press L For Nitrous Boost P2D03E3917 0020
813CE214 43FF
40Press L For Nitrous Boost P3D03E391D 0020
813CD38C 43FF
41Press L For Nitrous Boost P4D03E3923 0020
813CD86C 43FF
42Cannot Spin Out803CDD93 0000
43Disable Left Lane Traffic8033C95B 0001
44Disable Right Lane Traffic8033C95F 0001
45Press Down To Enable Additional Music Tracks5D13E3910 0400
46Have All Cars813BEE78 1FFF
Championship Mode Codes
47Points Total Modifier813BFBFA ????
48Points Per Race Modifier813BFBFE ????
49Points To Next Level Modifier813BFBFC ????
50At Least 255 Trick Points803C750B 00FF
803BF2BF 00FF

100 - Cruisn World
01 - Hawaii
02 - Japan
03 - Australia
04 - China
05 - Kenya
06 - Egypt
07 - Russia
08 - Germany
09 - Italy
0A - France
0B - England
0C - Mexico
0D - New York
0E - Florida
0F - Moon

For this code, you have to press the Cheat Device Button at the Track Selection Screen to have those cars.

0001 - Grass Hopper
0002 - Bull Dog
0004 - Enforcer
0008 - NY Taxi
0010 - School Bus
0020 - Exec
0040 - Conductor
0080 - Speed DemoN
0100 - Tommy
0200 - Rocket
0400 - The Surgeon
0800 - Monsta
1000 - Howler
1FFF - All Cars
300 - Serpent (Auto)
01 - Serpent (Manual)
02 - Kamikaze (Auto)
03 - Kamikaze (Manual)
04 - ATV (Auto
05 - ATV (Manual)
06 - Scarab (Auto)
07 - Scarab (Manual)
08 - Stallion P6 (Auto)
09 - Stallion P6 (Manual)
0A - Banzai GTV (Auto)
0B - Banzai GTV (Manual)
0C - Zombie (Auto)
0D - Zombie (Manual)
0E - Orca (Auto)
0F - Orca (manual)
10 - El Nino (Auto)
11 - El Nino (Manual)
12 - Rhino 4x4 (Auto)
13 - Rhino 4x4 (Manual)
14 - Sardine Extreme (Auto)
15 - Sardine Extreme (Manual)
16 - Road King (Auto)
17 - Road King (Manual)
18 - Grass Hopper (Auto)
19 - Grass Hopper (Manual)
1A - Bulldog (Auto)
1B - Bulldog (Manual)
1C - Enforcer (Auto)
1D - Enforcer (Manual)
1E - NY Taxi (Auto)
1F - NY Taxi (Manual)
20 - School Bus (Auto)
21 - School Bus (Manual)
22 - Exec (Auto)
23 - Exec (Manual)

Car Transmission Modifier Note (Continued):

24 - Conductor (Auto)
25 - Conductor (Manual)
26 - Speed Demon (Auto)
27 - Speed Demon (Manual)
28 - Tommy (Auto)
29 - Tommy (Manual)
2A - Rocket (Auto)
2B - Rocket (Manual)
2C - The Surgeon (Auto)
2D - The Surgeon (Manual)
2E - Monsta (Auto)
2F - Monsta (Manual)
30 - Howler (Auto)
31 - Howler (Manu)
32 - Serpent Style Car (Auto)
33 - Serpent Style Car (Manual)
34 - Yellow Van (Auto)
35 - Yellow Van (Manual)
36 - Cruisn Bus (Auto)
37 - Cruisn Bus (Manual)
38 - School Bus (Auto)
39 - School Bus (Manual)
3A - Moving Truck (Auto)
3B - Moving Truck (Manual)
3C - Green Car (Auto)
3D - Green Car (Manual)
5Storm Dragon

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 49
InterAct15, 19, 23
Parasyte18, 24, 28
Storm Dragon42, 43, 44
8034992B 000045
Code Master, Parasyte, & Storm Dragon46