
Cruis'n USA Version 1.2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D014E302 00??
2Activator 2 P2D014E303 00??
3Dual Activator P1D114E302 00??
Have Car Upgrade Codes
4'63 Muscle Car8015056F 0005
5La Bomba80150573 0005
6Devastator80150577 0005
7Italia P698015057B 0005
8All-Terrain Vehicle8015057F 0004
9School Bus80150583 0004
10Police Car80150587 0004
11Infinite Time8015097D 0095
12Stop Elapsed Time And No Traffic80150979 0000
13Play Level Modifier180150993 00??
14Gearbox Type Modifier P1280150243 00??
15Always First Place P18015025B 0001
16Always Second Place P18015025B 0002
17Always Third Place P18015025B 0003
18Always Fourth Place P18015025B 0004
19Always Fiveth Place P18015025B 0005
20Always Sixth Place P18015025B 0006
21Always Seventh Place P18015025B 0007
22Always Eighth Place P18015025B 0008
23Always Have Fastest Car P18015024A 0001
24Always Have Fastest Car P2801505E6 0001
25Gearbox Type Modifier P2801505DF 00??
26Always First Place P2801505F7 0001
27Car Modifier P1380150247 00??
8915097C 0000
28Car Modifier P2801505E3 00??
8915097C 0000
Miscellaneous Codes
29Speed Modifier81047140 4???
30Weird Waterfalls In U.S. 10180150247 0012
8915097C 0000
31Cars Act Like They Are Upgraded [Faster, But No New Colors]8015024B 0003
32All Tracks Open80150592 001F
80150593 00FF
33"Head Code" Always On8015056B 0001
34Drive Out Of Garage Differently48015028E 00XY
35Shortcuts!58015EB69 00FE
36Record Time Is Always 00:00:00680150264 0094
37Lights & Sirens For Police Car & School Bus P18115056A 0001
8114E3BA 0001
38Lights & Sirens For Police Car & School Bus P281150906 0001
8114E3D2 0001
39Press L For Speed Modifier P1 (4000-4FFF)D014E251 0020
81047140 ????
40Press L For Speed Modifier P2 (4000-4FFF)D014E257 0020
8104739C ????
41P1 4X Regular Maximum Speed78114971C 0000
8104715A 0000
811625D8 0000
42P2 4X Regular Maximum Speed881046F16 0000
810473B6 0000


With this codes, you have to finish a race for it to save! And if cruisn the usa, you will play the first board no matter what, then you will be at the level after the one that you put the digits in for.

00 - Golden Gate Park
01 - San Francisco
02 - US 101
03 - Redwood Forest
04 - Beverly Hills
05 - LA Freeway
06 - Death Valley
07 - Arizona
08 - Grand Canyon
09 - Iowa
0A - Chicago
0B - Indiana
0C - Appalachia
0D - Washington DC
0E - Cruise The USA (Blue Fog--Glitches After Winning)
200 - Automatic
01 - Manual

For this code, you have to press the Cheat Device Button once inside the game, and then the time resets to zero, and the race is over, notice what car it said you had, once you start the next race, you will have that car!

00 - '63 Muscle Car
01 - La Bomba
02 - Devastator VI
03 - Italia P69
04 - All Terrain Vehicle
05 - School Bus
06 - Police Car
07 - Cruisn USA Bus
08 - Blue Pickup
09 - Blue Semi
0A - Red Car
0B - Blue Minivan
0C - Mustang
0D - Big School Bus
0E - Police Car
0F - Fire Truck

The direction your car is facing when you leave the garage. Replace the "Y" character to fine-tune the direction to specific angles.

Replace X with one of the following:

4: Facing Left
8: Facing Backwards
C: Facing Right
5This code will cut about 40 seconds off your time when you do this "shortcut". To do it, simply drive 'til you end up in a blue area and the trophy girl will pop up!!!
6To do this, complete a race, then enter your initials, and you can save 00:00:00 to a Save Pak.
7Must Use a Manual Transmission or gears will NOT change
8Must Use a Manual Transmission or gears will NOT change

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
InterAct11, 15
GSC16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Parasyte31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Robb37, 38, 39, 40
Gogeta41, 42