
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1No Level Intro8003649B 0001
2Squishy Weapons SE150001570 0000
8003267B 004A
3Improved Blood Mode Code250000F2C 0000
8002C947 0002
50000F2C 0000
8102C94C 4140
50000F2C 0000
8002C953 0002
50000F2C 0000
8102C958 41C0
4Over-The-Top Blood Mode Code350000F2C 0000
8002C947 0002
50000F2C 0000
8102C94C 4220
50000F2C 0000
8002C953 0002
50000F2C 0000
8102C958 42A0
5Play In Level Ending Cutscene (Cuba)480036499 0001
6Fast Pause GameD0064F31 0010
8008C71B 0001
7Fast Unpause GameD0064F31 0020
8008C71B 0000
8Always Have 00:00 Time (All Levels)58004837E 0000
8004838E 0000
80048396 0000
80079A22 0000
80079F26 0000
9Press Cheat Device Button To Use Cheat Menu Codes To Beat Levels68802A903 0000
10Infinite Ammo (All Levels)780079E3B 0001
11Invincible [All Stages]8800364B4 0001
12Invisible Bond/Enemies Don't Have Weapons Or Hats/No Items81357000 3F80
13No Music But Sound Effects Are Still Heard80011492 0024
14(Variation) Weak Enemies8002CE44 0048
15(Variation) Bullet-Proof Bond8002CE44 0030
16Crosshair Always On (P1)9810???8A 0000
17Crosshair Always On (P2)10810???0A 0000
18Super Zoom For Sniper Rifle11800???E5 0000
19Extra Ammo80030B28 0042
20Bulletproof Bond8002CE44 0030
80030B20 0030
21Enemy Cannot Aim8002CE40 0030
80030B1C 0030
22Weak Enemies8002CE48 0048
23No Background80036F7B 0000
24No Objects In Level80036F7F 0000
25Speed Display80036F77 0001
26Invisible To CPU800364C7 0000
27Walk Thru Doors, Objects800364CB 0000
28Debug Mode80036FCB 0001
29Enable All Agent Levels80036FB3 0001
30Enable All Levels80036FB7 0001
31Fast Bond80036FCF 0001
32All Objectives Complete80036FD3 0001
33Line Mode On80036FAB 0001
34Use DK Mode and Still Beat Level80079E3C 0001
35Use Enemy Rockets and Still Beat Level80079E4C 0001
36007 Mode: Enemy Health Modifier8102A9A4 ????
37007 Mode: Enemy Damage Modifier8102A9A8 ????
38007 Mode: Enemy Accuracy Modifier8102A9AC ????
39007 Mode: Enemy Reaction Speed Modifier8102A9A0 ????
40Difficulty Level Modifier128002A8FF 000?
41Activate 007 Folders For The Dam80036FAF 0001
42Line Mode80036FAB 0001
43Repeating Stage Intro800364AB 0001
44Level Select138002A8FB 00??
45Gain Access To Aztec Level Without Beating Secret Agent Or 00 Agent8002A8FB 001A
46Gain Access To Egyptian Level Without Beating Secret Agent Or 00 Agent8002A8FB 001C
47Improved Get Cheats Permanently14800696?? 0002
48Beat Agent Levels15800696?? 0002
49"Ultimate GoldenEye 007 Code"168006992E FFFF
80069930 FFFF
80069967 FFFF
8006996C FFFF
80069971 FFFF
80069976 FFFF
8006997B FFFF
8006992F FFFF
80069965 FFFF
8006996A FFFF
8006996F FFFF
80069974 FFFF
80069979 FFFF
50Menu Aimer Coordinates Modifier8102A908 ????
8102A90C ????
51Multiplayer Always Enabled800268D0 0003
52Multiplayer Always Disabled800268D0 0001
53Infinite Health P1178100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C02
81060246 8008
81060248 8C42
8106024A 9EE0
8106024C 3401
8106024E 3F80
81060250 A441
81060252 00DC
81060254 0800
81060256 303F
54B Button To Levitate P1188100C0EC 0801
8100C0EE 8080
8100C0F0 3C03
8100C0F2 8002
81060200 8C63
81060202 68C4
81060204 3402
81060206 4000
81060208 8461
8106020C 3021
8106020E 4000
81060210 1422
81060212 0005
81060218 3C02
8106021A 8008
8106021C 8C42
8106021E 9EE0
81060220 3401
81060222 4138
81060224 A441
81060226 007C
81060228 0800
8106022A 303D
55Infinite Armor P18100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C02
81060246 8008
81060248 8C42
8106024A 9EE0
8106024C 3401
8106024E 3F80
81060250 A441
81060252 00E0
81060254 0800
81060256 303F
56Infinite Health & Armor P18100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C02
81060246 8008
81060248 8C42
8106024A 9EE0
8106024C 3401
8106024E 3F80
81060250 A441
81060252 00DC
81060254 A441
81060256 00E0
81060258 0800
8106025A 303F
57Rapid Fire P18100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C02
81060246 8008
81060248 8C42
8106024A 9EE0
8106024C 3401
8106024E 00FF
81060250 A441
81060252 0892
81060254 3401
81060256 0009
81060258 0800
8106025A 303F
8106025C A441
8106025E 0C38
58Infinite Health & Armor AND Rapid Fire P18100C0F4 0801
8100C0F6 8090
8100C0F8 AFA4
8100C0FA 0000
81060240 0004
81060242 7600
81060244 3C02
81060246 8008
81060248 8C42
8106024A 9EE0
8106024C 3401
8106024E 3F80
81060250 A441
81060252 00DC
81060254 A441
81060256 00E0
81060258 3401
8106025A 00FF
8106025C A441
8106025E 0892
81060260 3401
81060262 0009
81060264 0800
81060266 303F
81060268 A441
8106026A 0C38
59Have All Guns Without Using Cheat Menu!198100C10C 0801
8100C10E 80C0
8100C110 3C19
8100C112 8002
81060300 9339
81060302 68D0
81060304 3C02
81060306 8008
81060308 8C42
8106030A 9EE0
8106030C 3401
8106030E 0001
81060310 A441
81060312 11EE
81060314 0800
81060316 3045
60Destroy Everything - All Levels (Press R + B)8100C0FC 0801
8100C0FE 80AC
810602B0 3C02
810602B2 8008
810602B4 8C42
810602B6 9EE0
810602B8 3C1B
810602BA 8006
810602BC 877B
810602BE 7CA4
810602C0 2404
810602C2 4010
810602C4 1764
810602C6 0002
810602C8 241B
810602CA 0001
810602CC A05B
810602CE 0C24
810602D0 0800
810602D2 3041
810602D4 8C78
810602D6 01F8
James Bond On Hardcore Drugs Codes
61After 5 Beers81053488 4040
8105348A 0000
62After 10 Beers81053488 3F80
8105348A 0000
63After An All-Night Kegger81053488 40C0
8105348A 0000
64After Taking LSD81053488 4000
8105348A 0000
65Trip Time (prefer CCCC)800213C9 ????
66Power Trip (Prefer CCCC, FFFF)800213C9 ????
800215AB ????
Options Modifiers
67Music2080040B5B 00??
68FX21802F5420 00??
69Look Up/Down2280040A87 00??
70Auto-Aim2380040A93 00??
71Aim Control2480040A9F 00??
72Sight On-Screen2580040AAB 00??
73Look Ahead2680040AB7 00??
74Ammo On-Screen2780040AC3 00??
75Screen2880040ACF 00??
76Ratio2980040ADB 00??
77Control Style30800D59BB 00??

1All the weapons between your pp7 and grenade launcher make that "spplltt" sound. Watch laser is kinda funny really. Have to change the gunshot color over still - can't remember how to do that.
2When a person is shot, two things happen to the body - besides damage and blood stains. There is a spark and some smoke. Shoot somebody in the game and you'll see a large spark appear where the bullet hit. Not only that, but you may also notice a bit of smoke rise off of the wound. These characters aren't supposed to be made of metal, are they? No, they are meant to be flesh and blood. Just as Rare intended them to be.

The value for the spark is 01, where as the smoke is 03. So, just what might the 02 value be for? Blood. Yes, blood is still locked away in the game, never to be seen by any gamers. That is until I started poking around in the Memory Editor.

However, by simply changing either the spark or the smoke and making it into blood, the splatter is way too big. This meant that I had to modify the size of it. The values for the size differs for both spark and smoke, and is larger or smaller for each area of the body. I've made an entire list of each part of the anatomy, listing the type and sizes for each part effected. I'll post that later. But for now, here is the current code I'm using.
3With this code, gallons of blood will gush from the wounds of your victims when bullets pierce through their skin . Hey, it's just what every Japanimation fan could ever ask for.
4From the title screen go directly to the Cradle level and select it. Defeat Trevelyan and all mission objectives as you normally would and go to the helicopter. It will fly by but you won't automatically go to the cut-scene! Instead, the game will go to the cut-scene without Bond in a few seconds. When the game goes back to the statistics of the mission, be sure to press the button so that you would view the ending of the game. You will now be able to play in the small area where Natalya and Bond usually kiss!
5This lets you take as long as you wish in finishing all 20 levels!
6When this code is entered you can use the codes in the Cheat Menu to clear levels (it will allow you to procede to the next level).  Activate the cheat menu codes normally and start the game.  Now any time, while in the level, you can push the Cheat Device Button to activate the code.  Now when you beat the level it will let you procede to the next level.  Before starting the next level back out to the main menu, or reset the game.
7It's just like the cheat but without the cheat menu so you can beat the game with it!
8You can't pick up weapons or items, and there's no SFX for reloading or changing your gun.

The crosshair in some levels may be a little glitchy. To make the crosshair always off change the "0000" to "0001".

Dam - D40
Facility - B74
Runway, Surface1, Depot - DA4
Bunker 1 & 2, Silo - B4C
Frigate - C78
Surface2 - E6C
Statue - C64
Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian - CDC
Streets - D7C
Train, Jungle, Control - C14
Aztec - B1D
Temple,Complex,Library,Basement,Stack - A84
Caves - DA4
10Temple,Complex,Library,Basement,Stack - AAF
Caves - DCF
Facility - CB7
Bunker - BC7
Archives - D07
Caverns - C8F
Egyptian - F5F
11Dam - D3F
Facility - B73
Runway, Surface 1, Depot - DA3
Bunker 1, Silo - B4B
Frigate - C77
Surface 2 - E6B
Statue - C63
Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian - CDB
Streets - D7B
Train, Jungle, Control - C13
Aztec - B0F
Temple, Complex, Library, Basement, Stack - A83
Caves - DA3
Facility (Multi) - C8B
Bunker (Multi) - B9B
Archives (Multi) - CCA
Caverns (Multi) - C63
Egyptian (Multi) - F33
12Replace the '?' with 0-3

An example is 02, which is the Facility level. Select the Dam (or any level that you would prefer) and beat that level. Depending on which digit you entered in, you've beaten that level. Some of these digits occasionally let you play the level that you put in, so beware! You can also get cheats under the 'Cheat Options' this way! An asterik placed infront of a digit means that it will freeze your game, while two asteriks mean that you may occasionally play that level instead of the one that you choose!

02 Facility
03 Runway
*04 Severnaya
05 Severnaya
06 Bunker #1
*07 Kirghizstan
08 Silo
*09 Monte Carlo
0A Frigate
*0B Severnaya #2
0C Severnaya #2
0D Bunker #2
*0E St.Petersberg
0F Statue
10 Archives
11 Streets
12 Depot
13 Train
*14 Cuba
15 Jungle
16 Control Center
17 Caverns
18 Cradle
**19 Teotihuaca'n
1A Aztec
*1B el-Saghira
1C Egypt

This code is much better than the last one because you do not have to activate the "No Name" code under the Cheat Options. Just go into the cheats and go out! You can put 13 codes at one time to make space easier. Just use the basecode listed above.

C3 Paintball Mode
C4 Invincible
C5 DK Mode
C6 2X Grenade Launchers
C7 2X Rocket Launchers
C8 Turbo Mode
C9 No Radar (Multi)
CA Tiny Bond
CB 2X Throwing Knives
CC Fast Animation
CD Bond Invisible
CE Enemy Rockets
CF Slow Animation
D0 Silver PP7
D1 2X Hunting Knives
D2 Infinite Ammo
D3 2X RC-P90's
D4 Gold PP7
D5 2X Lasers
D6 All Guns

This code beats the levels on Agent levels listed below. Type the basecode above in and then input the level codes. To work it, go into cheats and then go out. Then go to any level and wait for a beep, and then exit. This code does not work if you skip levels! You must do them in this order, and begin with the first 13. After those you can enter the other codes.

D8 Dam
D9 Facility
DA Runway
DB Surface
DC Bunker
DD Silo
DE Frigate
DF Surface 2
E0 Bunker 2
E1 Statue
E2 Archives
E3 Streets
E4 Depot
E5 Train
E6 Jungle
E7 Control
E8 Caverns
E9 Cradle
EA Aztec

This code gives you all of the levels, (including the secret ones) all of the in-game cheats, and the special 007 mode! Yes, you must insert all of these codes. Also, you must insert the codes from left to right.

Detailed Instructions Of Use:

Here's what you do. First, without using your Cheat Device, fill up all of the files so that there aren't any free ones. Then DELETE THE 2ND FILE ONLY (the second savegame file from the left-hand side), turn off your N64, put in the Cheat Device, and turn on the code above. The second file shouldn't be empty, it should be named "007". If it isn't, look for another one named "007". If you don't find anything, go to the empty file and play on the Dam. "Agent" mode would be the wisest choice. Beat that level, and get through the screen that shows your time, your weapon of choice, etc. Hit the "B" button until you come to the place where you choose your level. EVERY SINGLE ONE SHOULD BE THERE. Hit "B" again and check out your cheats file. ALL 23 SHOULD BE THERE. When you pick your stage, you will see another difficulty level, "007". This is the level editor, where you can change all kinds of stuff!

17This code give Player 1 Infinite Health on all Single, and Multiplayer levels.
18Hold the B Button and run off something(such as stair, or a hill) to rise, release the B button to fall. Works on all Single, and Multiplayer levels.
19This code gives player 1 all the weapons, just like the All Guns cheat. It works in all the single and multiplayer levels and you don't need to have the All Guns cheat available or turned on for it to work.
2000 - Off
7F - Full
2100 - Off
7F - Full
2200 - Reverse
01 - Upright
2300 - Off
01 - On
2400 - Off
01 - On
2500 - Off
01 - On
2600 - Off
01 - On
2700 - Off
01 - On
2800 - Full
01 - Wide
02 - Cinema
2900 - Normal
01 - 16:9
3000 - 1.1 Honey
01 - 1.2 Solitaire
02 - 1.3 Kissy
03 - 1.4 Goodnight
04 - 2.1 Plenty
05 - 2.2 Galore
06 - 2.3 Domino
07 - 2.4 Goodhead

Crock (of shit)1, 34, 35
Wreck3, 4
?5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 44, 45, 46
Ass Wigit6, 7
Rune a.k.a. Hitler8
Viper66610, 36, 37, 38, 39
Ace11, 41, 42, 43
Senor Blevin12
Parasyte13, 53, 54
Twix472@aol.com16, 17, 18
Bowser143@aol.com47, 48
Koronix50, 51, 52, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
Viper187 & Parasyte55, 56, 57, 58
The Phantom61, 62, 63, 64
R.O.S65, 66