
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Cheat Device Button For Blinking Graphics1880???3C 000E
2Strobe With Stretchy Camera In Dam800D3742 0007
3Shiny + Blackish Guns #2 In Dam2800D37B8 00CC
4Left Hand Emulates the Color of Your Left Gun/Hyper-Colored Guns In Facility3800B6BCE CCCC
5Weird Graphics800213B9 0012
6Flat Levels810213A6 FFFF
7Stretched-Out Line Mode #280021055 CCCC
8Stretched-Out Line Mode80021045 CCCC
9Some Surroundings/Things Have Holes In Them80021035 CCCC
10Can't See A Lot Of Graphics (Since They've Been Darkened)800211C5 CCCC
11New Perspective/Can See Through Most Objects/Can See Bottom of Guns80021490 CCCC
12'Spotlighted' Graphics800214A5 CCCC
13(One Player) Looks Like You Have 4 Windows Open #280021484 CCCC
14Everything Has Been Zoomed-In More80021483 CCCC
15Everything Has Been Zoomed-In480021481 CCCC
16(One-Player) Looks Like You Have 4 Windows Open80021487 CCCC
17Whole Game's Colors Are DarkerA032C50A 6666
18Impossible To Play Mode800214AA 2112
19Huge Hill In Dam80091183 FFFF
20Cool Blackish Watch (Press Start)80021209 3313
21Almost Invisible Spike In Dam580091183 0FFF
22Objects/Surroundings & Enemies Disappear When You Get Close To Them80021402 0001
23Bullet Info Is Shaded Until You Fire Gun803343AE 000C
24Strange Bullet Holes803243AE 000C
25Cool Watch80021256 3443
26Weird Bullets803131AE 000C
27Strobe Mode! (In Dam)800D374A 0055
28Nintendo & Rare Logos/Magnum/Knives/Silver PP7 & Gold PP7 Shine Like Spotlights8002219E B3FF
29White Dot On Your Screen803BA620 00FF
30Emptyness Code68032332A 0001
31Graphics Are Stretched & Very Glitchy80021055 0001
32Vison Is Halved/Aim Is Off7800D3755 5555
33Current Inventory Image Modifier800409BB 00??
34Annoying Bee ModeA332CAAA 00FF
35All Letters Are Grey Squares8002116F 0001
36All Letters Are Really Light Grey Squares8002116F 0000
37All Letters Are Almost Clear8002116F 0002
38Twisted Polygons800214B6 FFFF
39Disco Mode8800214E3 FFFF
40Smeared Mode8002138B FFFF
41Charcoal Drawing9800210AF FFFF
42Clear Walls108002114A 0001
43Solid Levels11800214CE CCCC
44Negative Ammo800---FC FFFF
45Deadly Cross Hair12D0064F31 0010
800___3C 000
46Hurt Bond13800___3C 0000
47Can't Fire Weapon800---FA A321
48Master Enemies80051D91 0001
80051D91 FFFF
80053721 0001
80052A68 FFFF
80051D21 0001
80051D21 FFFF
49Metallic Blue Guns8002115b FFFE
50Solid Color Guns14800---B6 BB6B
51Chrome Right Gun & Hand800---B4 3B43
52Chrome Left Gun & Hand15800---C6 FC6F
53Light-up Left Hand Gun16800---C5 0001
54PP7 Swim17800---F0 FFFF
55Cool Hand18800---BA FFFF
56Rainbow Hand19800---6E 0001
57Rainbow Right Gun20800---BA DFA0
58Colored Watch Hand21800---C9 000F
59Glow Watch22800---CE 0001
60Chrome Watch Hand23800---CE FFFF
61Stretched Out Watch2480021256 3443
62White Watch Band800---6E FFFF
63No Watch25800---9E FFFF
64Shirtless Bond?800---C7 0009
65Cybernetic Hand800---9F 0000
66Indiglo800---CF 0000
67Can't See Anything & Nintendo Sign Keeps Spinning & Always Hear The Heartbeats800219AF FFFF
68Different World2681021406 3FF0
81021424 0000
69Flashing Objects2780091181 8AEF
70Walls Flash Between The Color Of The Sky & Normal80021FAF FFFF
71Colors Colors Colors!80021140 0001
72A Mix Between Colors & Clear Walls80021146 0001
73Semi-Shattered Glass/Cool Watch Mode810210F7 00F6
74Clear Mode800210F7 00F6
75Lots Of Lights, Impossible To Play800213B8 FFFF
76Everything Is In The Wrong Place & Turns A Different Color800213B1 0000
77Hyper Walls800214E2 0006
78Tall Guys28800---61 00??
79Red Enemies298002115B FFFF
80Funky Nintendo Sign800210B5 00F6
81Welcome To Hell30800214B7 0000
82Fat Mode800---51 FFFF
83Robot Enemies31800214B7 000C
84Invisible Enemies328032332A FFFF
85Black People/Multi-Coloured Doors & Somewhat Green Hand800214B7 0009
86Cool No Name Code8002144B FFFF
87Nintendo Logo Gets Further Away & Darker8102219B FFFF
88Swirly Chrome Level810214F0 0000
89Messed Texture338102143C 0001
90Dancing Polygons3481021433 FFFF
91Tall Blue Guy358002B329 0017
92Tiny Trevelyan368002B1B9 0017

1Replace the ??? with the level that you wish the code to work for.
2Makes your right hand greyish and your guns look really cool.
3A example of this is having the Golden PP7 in your left gun-hand. This makes your left hand golden when you have that gun in your left hand and press start. Or, another example is the Silver PP7, which makes your left hand silver when you press start. All of the guns change the color of your left hand!
4A good example of this is the famous Bond start-up scene, where you only see Bond's arm at the end of it!
5Go up into the first guard tower at the start of the level to easily see it! This also changes various other objects in other levels! For example, in the Facility it makes the other side of the vents sort of battered up.
6This code makes everything in the level gone (I.e. doors, tables, computers, guards, weapons, etc.) And you can't leave the level (try jumping off the Dam). It only works in the Dam, Facility, Silo, Train and Statue levels.
7This code makes this game 10X harder, not as if it wasn't that difficult (without Cheat Device codes..) before! Your vision is halved and your Aim cursor is stretched to the far left.
8All polygons are colored. and it's like a big disco place.
9This is one of the best graphics code. The whole level looks like a charcoal drawing. It's awesome!!
10Some walls are clear, some walls have shadows, and enemies red. For Best effect, try on Facility.
11Different levels are different solid colors.
12When you press the R button to aim, you lose all life and die the next hit you take.
13You die the first hit you take. Try using this and the "can't fire weapon" code!
14Press start to go over two to four screens then press start again.
15They also flash red when shot.
16When you shoot your weapon it lights up it looks like your gun is really hot! His hand stays the color of your weapon.
17The PP7 is "swimming" in his hand. This is too weird. It doesn't seem to work all the time though.
18Your hand is the same color as the gun it's holding. Ever wanted a gold hand?
19Like rainbow gun, but only colors your hand. Only happens after you unpause it.
20All your right handed guns and hands will be rainbow colored. This looks VERY cool.
21Your watch hand is rainbow colored.
22Makes your watch change colors and glow.
23That's right. You read correctly. Finally someone as found a code that makes your watch hand chrome.
24This code basically just stretches the watch out a little bit, But it looks cool.
25You don't see the watch when you're pausing it.
26This code is like Multi Color Flashing Walls. But this time there are stripes and are different color combinations through out the level. This is also one of the best graphic codes just like Multi Color Flashing Walls.
27This code is kinda cool. There is flashing in certain spots. Doesn't work in every level, but it does work in Dam.
28Depending what you put in the ??, everything is a different height.
29This is like the other code, but you get glitches some times. The cool thing is that Bond has these cool stone hands.
30This is a cool graphics code. All enemies AND Bond are red shilluettes (did I spell that right?) you can't see any bullets or explosions, or your life bar even.
31Enemies look like robots and sparks fly out of them when you hit them.
32Some enemies in different parts of the levels are completely invisible. You can't see them, but they can't still fire at you. Try on Dam.
33This is weird. When you move, the walls and buildings seem to be "flowing" around. Sometimes it looks like they're moving.
34If you're gonna use a graphics code, use this one. All polygons that make up mountains, buildings, etc. are moving around. It makes the level pulse. Very cool.
35This code lets you play as some tall guy in a blue suit in multi-player (you have to select one of the first characters out of the extra characters.
36With this code when you pick Trevelyan. When you start the level, you see from Trevelyan's legs.

?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 31, 34
Jedi13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 48
Cordt84523, 24, 30
FiZzZz25, 40, 41, 61, 68, 69, 77, 79, 80
Ben27, 29
Agent 50328
Rune a.k.a. Hitler33
Travis35, 36, 37, 42, 50, 51, 52, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 82, 85, 87
Jeremy38, 39, 81, 83
Alex43, 75, 76
Noah44, 45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 78, 84, 88, 89, 90
Chcorvette53, 59
Doom91, 92