
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Bond's Hand-Cuff Modifiers
1Dam1800D337F 00XX
2Facility800B677F 00XX
3Runway, Surface A, Depot800D977F 00XX
4Frigate800C6B7F 00XX
5Bunker A, B, & Silo800B3F7F 00XX
6Aztec800B037F 00XX
7Archives, Caverns, Cradle, Egyptian800CCF7F 00XX
8Statue800C577F 00XX
9Streets800D6F7F 00XX
10Surface B800E5F7F 00XX
11Train, Jungle, Control Centre800C077F 00XX
Bond Suit Modifiers (1P Mode)
12Boiler Bond8103DFCA ????
8103DFCE ????
8103DFD8 ????
13Suit Bond8103DFDC ????
8103DFE2 ????
8103DFEC ????
14Timber Bond8103DFF2 ????
8103DFF6 ????
8103E000 ????
15Snow Bond8103E006 ????
8103E00A ????
8103E014 ????
16Natalya8103DF52 ????
8103DF56 ????
8103DF60 ????
17Baron Samedi (All of Him)28103DF02 ????
8103DF06 ????
8103DF10 ????

1What is most curious is that there are 4 suits from 05-08, and the first has a white cuff at the watch pause menu. I think it is reasonable that the four all bonds were slated for single player, especially after that pic of all the all bonds in the menu, and perhaps the idea that they all had their own levels.

I think the models for the old suits are gone, perhaps the textures are still there though.

00 - Blue Suit
01 - Tuxedo
02 - Jungle Bond
03 - Boiler Bond
04 - Snow Bond
05 - White Cuffs (Connery's White Tuxedo?!)
06 - Tuxedo Bond (Black Cuff)
07 - Tuxedo Bond (Black Cuff)
08 - Tuxedo Bond (Black Cuff)
09+ - Invisible Arm (Blue Suit On Bond)
2D410 6E80 0100 Camo Guard
D430 6E8C 0100 Grey Guard
D450 6E98 0100 Olive Guard
D470 6EA8 0100 Rus Guard
D490 6EB4 0100 Trev Guard
D910 6EC0 0100 djBond (Suit - NOT USED BY GAME!)
D4B0 6ECC 0101 Boris
D4D0 6ED4 0101 Ouromov
D4F0 6EE0 0101 Trevelyan
D510 6EEC 0101 BoilerTrev
D530 6EFC 0101 Valentin
D550 6F08 0001 Xenia
D570 6F10 0101 Baron Samedi
D590 6F20 0101 Jaws
D5B0 6F28 0001 MayDay
D5D0 6F34 0101 OddJob
D5F0 6F40 0001 Natalya
D610 6F4C 0100 Armour Guard
D630 6F5C 0100 ConmGuard
D650 6F68 0100 Great Guard
D670 6F78 0100 Navy Guard
D690 6F84 0101 Snow Guard
D890 6F90 0100 Boiler Bond
D8B0 6FA0 0100 Suit Bond
D8D0 6FAC 0100 Timber Bond
D8F0 6FBC 0101 Snow Bond
D6B0 6FC8 0100 Blue Woman
D6D0 6FD4 0100 Fastech Woman
D6F0 6FE4 0100 Tech Woman
D710 6FF0 0100 Jean Woman
D730 6FFC 0000 Grey Man
D750 7008 0000 Blue Man
D770 7014 0000 Red Man
D790 7020 0000 Cardiman
D7B0 702C 0100 Check Man
D7D0 7038 0100 Tech Man
D7F0 7044 0101 Pilot
D810 704C 0100 Great Guard
D830 705C 0100 BlueCam Guard
D850 706C 0100 Moonguard
D870 7078 0100 Moonguardfemale
D930 7088 0100 suit_lf_hand (big hand)

Stone Code1
Rune a.k.a. Hitler2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Ass Wigit12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17