
Super Mario Land

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Continues010902C0
2Unlimited Time019961DA
3No Enemies01FF00D1
4Game Skips Some Music01F92DF
5Music Modifier101??E8DF
6Enemies Fall From The Sky And Run Away016313D1
7High Points Modifier (00-99)01??A1C0
8Unlimited Lives010315DA
9Score Modifier For Digits 1 & 2 (00-99)01??A2C0
10Score Modifier For Digits 3 & 4 (00-99)01??A1C0
11Score Modifier For Digits 5 & 6 (00-99)01??A0C0
13Part Of Head Floating01670CC0
14Mario Slides011003C2
15Always Have Star01ECD3C0
16First Item Modifier01??1FC9
17Rest Of The Item Modifier01??76C9
18Automaticly At End Of Level201ECD2C0
19Baddies & Some Objects Can Be Moved (Use On/Off)019613D1
20Baddies & Some Objects Can Be Moved 2 (Use On/Off)014523D1
21Hold A Or B For Repeated Jumps And Shots010080FF
22Disable 'A' Button010180FF
23Character Modifier301??03C2
24Mid Jump401070AC2
25Walk On Air010107C2
26Walk Backwards012105C2
27X Position Mod.01??02C2
28Y Position Mod01??01C2
29Play as Daisy5012203C2
30Walk Upside Down014105C2
31Play Behide the Scenery018F04C2
32Mario Doesn't Slide01030DC2
33Better Rising Code6010609C2
34Can't Run01010FC2
35Walk Really Fast701020FC2
36White Mario011004c2
37Wacky Speed Mod801??0EC2
38Helium Mario9010107C2
39Mario Action1001??B3FF
40Level You Get Credit For Beating1101XYB4FF
41Pause Modifier010?B2FF
42Some Sprites Move Reallly Fast12010511D1
43Some Sprites' X/y Movement Are Reversed13010515D1
44Partial Level Modifier14010?E4FF
45Game Beaten Modifier1501??E1C0

1Keep the switch on until after you've started a game. The music will change when you turn the switch off.
2Do not use this code on worlds 2-3 & 4-3.
32A - Cloud
0A - Submarine
0D - Airplane
21 - Bug
0F - Mario's Hand?
4With this code you can jump in mid-air if you walk(not jump) off a ledge. Also, if you use this code with the "Walk on air" code, you can slowly float up.
6Now with this code just press the A button to rise up and let go to fall.
800~04 are normal speed. 05~7F are super mega turbo. (So fast the game's scrolling can't catch up, and you usually get stuck in objects. Also, you'll never finish the level.) 80~FF Are super mega turbo backwards. (Unlike in Mario DX, this doesn't change your direction.)
9This is basically a slow moon jump. You can still walk while you float up. If you stay under an object, you'll eventually go up through it! You go faster if you turn it on while running. Change the value for other effects. 02 makes you fall through the floor and die really fast, and 04 makes you bounce, and float for a bit if you hit something above you. (My game crashed a lot when using this, but I think it was because I was accidentally tapping it.)
1000 Funky Invincibility
01 Die
02 Restart Leveel
03 Weird Die
04 Fall And Die
05 Win Level Instantly
06 Win Level As If It Were A Castle (glitchy)
07 Win Level (must turn code off and press Start twice to proceed)
08 Go To Next Level
09 Go Down Pipe
0A Fall Into Secret Area (place pipes would take you)
0B Same as 0A
0C Fly Away (glitchy)
0D In A Ship (this is actually useless; it freezes if you aren't in the water level, and if you are you don't need it anyway )
0E Reset Game
0F ???
10 Temporary Freeze (unfreezes if you change it to something else)
11 Restart Level Without Dying
12 Win Level With Bonus*
13 Bonus*
14 Same as 13*
15 Same as 13 but glitched*
16 Same as 15*
17 Get Bonus*
18 Same as 17*
19 Same as 17*
1A Same as 17 but shorter*
1B Same as 08*
1C Win Castle And Glitch
1D Same as 1C
1E Door Opens
1F Save Daisy And Freeze
*These always freeze on 2-1 for some strange reason...
11X = World, Y = Level (IE level 2-3 would be 23)
Sometimes you play wierd levels with all sorts of stuff in them!
1500 - game not beaten
01 - beaten once (adds more ennemies)
2 - beaten twice (adds level select at title screen)

Rad Fiasco2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
Alex Stiber9, 10, 11
Lone Soldier12
PikaPoke15, 16, 17, 18
DrShnaps19, 20, 21
pmp200024, 25
pmp200126, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Pika9876537, 38
HyperHacker39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44