Zelda: Link's Awakening & Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Color) |
WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
All GB Color Games Require A Version 2.1+ Cheat Device |
Item Modifier Codes |
1 | B-Button Slot1 | 01??00DB |
2 | A-Button Slot | 01??01DB |
3 | Reserve Slot #1 | 01??02DB |
4 | Reserve Slot #2 | 01??03DB |
5 | Reserve Slot #3 | 01??04DB |
6 | Reserve Slot #4 | 01??05DB |
7 | Reserve Slot #5 | 01??06DB |
8 | Reserve Slot #6 | 01??07DB |
9 | Reserve Slot #7 | 01??08DB |
10 | Reserve Slot #8 | 01??09DB |
11 | Reserve Slot #9 | 01??0ADB |
12 | Reserve Slot #10 | 01??0BDB |
13 | Slot Modifier Digits2 | N/A |
14 | Arrows Modifier | 01??45DB |
15 | Bombs Modifier | 01??4DDB |
16 | Magic Powder Modifier | 01??4CDB |
17 | Bracelet Level Modifier | 010?43DB |
18 | Shield Level Modifier | 010?44DB |
19 | Sword Level Modifier | 010?4EDB |
20 | Tunic Modifier3 | 010?0FDC |
21 | BowWow Modifier4 | 01??56DB |
22 | Infinite Arrows | 013045DB |
23 | Trade Item Modifier5 | 010?0EDB |
24 | Number of Secret Seashells Modifier6 | 01??0FDB |
25 | Keys Modifier7 | 0101??DB |
26 | Infinite Small Keys | 0101D0DB |
27 | Instruments Modifier8 | 0102??DB |
28 | Map Position Modifier | 01??54DB |
29 | View Picture Modifier9 | 910?CBD1 |
30 | Weird Sfx When Cutting Grass | 010198D3 0101E7D3 |
31 | Weird Music | 01FF1CD3 |
32 | Mad Chicken Disease10 | 0123B0C2 |
33 | Rapid Fire | 0100CBFF |
34 | Character Replacing Lowercase V On Name Entry (Values Are Ascii+1, Ie I Is 4a) - Codebreaker Only! | 014BF1?? |
35 | Stealing Prevention11 | 010046DB |
36 | Shopping Rampage!12 | 010146DB |
Have Item Codes |
37 | Flippers | 01010CDB |
38 | Crazy Tracy's Medicine | 01010DDB |
39 | Full Moon Cello | 010265DB |
40 | Conch Horn | 010266DB |
41 | Sea Lily Bell | 010267DB |
42 | Surf Harp | 010268DB |
43 | Wind Marimba | 010269DB |
44 | Coral Triangle | 01026ADB |
45 | Organ Of Evening Calm | 01026BDB |
46 | Thunder Drum | 01026CDB |
47 | Secret Medicine | 01010DDB |
48 | Map | 0101CCDB |
49 | Compass | 0101CDDB |
50 | Stone Beak | 0101CEDB |
51 | Magnifying Glass | 010E0EDB |
52 | All 5 Golden Leaves13 | 010515DB |
53 | Two Doors In A House | 070084D7 |
54 | Secret Doors All Around Koholint Island14 | 010014D7 |
55 | Super Shield | 01025AC1 01025BC1 |
56 | Always Have Sword In Hand | 01026AC1 |
Miscellaneous Codes |
57 | Infinite Health | 01185ADB |
58 | Invincible | 013CC7DB |
59 | Cannot Gain or Lose Any Extra Rupees | 01995EDB |
60 | Infinite 14 Hearts (Use With The `Max Hearts' Code) | 01705ADB |
61 | Max Hearts | 01705BDB |
62 | Ocarina Has All The Songs | 010749DB |
63 | Gain GB Color Exclusive Power-Up15 | 01??7CD4 |
64 | Infinite Rupees | 01FF5EDB |
65 | Save #1 Has No Deaths | 010000DC 010001DC |
66 | Save #2 Has No Deaths | 010002DC 010003DC |
67 | Save #3 Has No Deaths | 010004DC 010005DC |
68 | Fly | 010046C1 |
69 | Invisible | 010045C1 |
70 | Transparency | 010045C1 010035C1 |
71 | Jump Height Modifier (00-Low & FF-High) | 01??49C1 |
72 | Better SFX | 0126F2F6 |
73 | Start On Turtle Rock | 0100F3FF 0100F5FF 0100F6FF 0100F7FF 0100F9FF 0100FAFF 0100FBFF |
74 | Become Dark Link16 | 0134C7DB |
75 | Marin Modifier17 | 010?73DB |
76 | Rooster Modifier18 | 010?7BDB |
77 | See The End Of The Game | 010195DB |
78 | Always Able To Run | 01204AC1 |
79 | Slow Motion Code | 01050EC1 |
80 | Ultimate Walk Thru Walls Code | 01100AC1 01007EC1 |
81 | Have Toadstool | 01014BDB |
82 | Dungeon Selection Modifier19 | 01XXF7FF |
83 | Link in the Middle20 | 013E45C1 |
Glitch Codes |
84 | Bracket Bar Glitch Code | 018359C1 01E559C1 01006FC4 01FF6FC4 018E10D3 019210D3 |
85 | Change Shadow | 01??02C0 |
86 | Sound FX Modifier | 01??11FF |
87 | Strange Glitch Code | 01FFFFFF |
88 | Fun Code21 | 010181C2 |
89 | Buy Item Modifier22 | 01??07C5 |
90 | Always Have The Effect Of The Running Boots | 01204AC1 |
91 | Weird Code (Matrix Code) | 010211C1 |
92 | Walk Slower | 01FF21C1 |
93 | A Lot Of Enemies & People Look Modifier23 | 01??95C1 |
94 | Deletes All Games24 | 01??FFF |
95 | Start Game Without Shield25 | 01FF4EDB |
96 | Text Modifier26 | 01??12C1 |
97 | Link Can't Spin27 | 90??92C1 |
Other Codes |
98 | See The End Of The Game28 | 010195DB |
99 | Money, Money, And More Money Code | 01018FBB |
100 | Always Broke | 010191DB |
101 | Game Save Select Modifier29 | 01??A6DB |
102 | Have All Items And More30 | 0100F1FF |
103 | Cool Item Menu Bring Up | 010250C1 |
104 | Glitch Everything | 01FFFFF4 01FFFFF5 01FFFFF6 |
105 | Smushed Zelda Title | 01027EC1 |
106 | Very Cool Glitch | 01017FC1 |
107 | Have Super Shield(Advance Shield)31 | 01025AC1 01025BC1 |
108 | Earth Quake Mode | 010455C1 010456C1 010457C1 |
109 | Shaking Link | 015840C1 01033CC1 |
110 | Shaking Link 2 | 01FF3BC1 01FF3CC1 |
111 | Always Get The Guess What? You Got For Message | 01017ED4 |
112 | 3d Mode | 014100C5 |
113 | Room Modifier | 01??A5DB |
114 | Dream Code32 | 010174D4 |
115 | Link Spins And Spins Around Code | 010175D4 |
116 | Slice Them, Dice To Bits Link Code33 | 01FF75D4 |
117 | Everyone (Exculding Link) Is Flashness In Different Colors | 01FF20C4 01FF21C4 01FF22C4 01FF23C4 01FF24C4 01FF25C4 01FF26C4 01FF27C4 |
118 | Music Modifier34 | 01??7CD4 |
119 | Always Have Sword Power Up, And Power Up Music | 01017CD4 |
120 | Game Aways Play Intro Of The Game | 010101D0 |
121 | Ocean In Intro Of Game Won't Move At All | 010102D0 |
122 | Star On Zelda Always Shines On Place Modifier35 | 01??03D0 |
123 | Music Sounds And More Code36 | 01FF11FF |
124 | To Have Or Not To Have Code37 | 01FFBBFF |
125 | Glitch Intro Of Ocean 1 | 01FF06D0 |
126 | Glitch Intro Of Ocean 2 | 01FF07D0 |
127 | Very Very Slow Rain On Loading Screen | 01003DC1 |
128 | Very Very Slow Rain On Loading Screen 2 | 010FFDC1 |
129 | Stars On The Name Zelda On The Loading Screen Are Replaced By Lighting Bolts, Plus Everyone In The Game, And Even The Music Goes And Plays In Slow Motion And Rubies, Power Ups And More Code | 010181C2 |
130 | All You Hear During The Loading Of The Game Is Thunder Loading | 01FF81C2 |
131 | Another Strange, But Different Ice Skate Mode | 010A9FC1 |
132 | Super Glitch Code | 010A9BC1 |
133 | Can't Spin Or Load Up Sword | 010022C1 |
134 | Stars On The Loading Screen Of Game Shine Below The Name Zelda | 016511C2 |
135 | Links Raft On Loading Screen Place Modifier | 01??02C2 |
136 | Spider Man Link38 | 0170C8DB |
137 | Ribbon's On Bowwow's Pups (All The Time) | 0106511C2 |
138 | Fun Code | 010181C2 |
139 | Always Have The Effect Of The Running Boots(You Don't Need To Have The Running Boots Now To Run,etc!) | 01204AC1 |
140 | Ice Skate Mode | 0183B20C1 |
141 | Strange And Cool Things Code(Like Having Chickens,people,etc Follow You Area To Area) | 012803C2 |
142 | Strange And Cool Things 2 Code(Like Code Above But With More Effects,etc) | 017012C2 017013C2 |
143 | Almost Completly Derserted Koholint Island(Almost No Chickens, People, Shop Keep Guys,etc Are Gone) | 010080C2 010081C2 |
144 | Steal Anything From All Shops | 010080C3 |
145 | Link Looks Like Is Pushing Something But Really Ain't | 01FF44C1 |
146 | Fight With Invisable Sword | 01006AC1 |
147 | Always Have Sword In Hand | 01026AC1 |
148 | Tight Messed Up Title For Zelda | 01007EC1 |
149 | Caught Red Handed In Shops | 010109C5 |
150 | Better Music Played | 0101712D3 |
151 | Ultra Fast Music Played | 01??24C1 |
152 | Better Muisc Sound Better Modifier | 01??9FD3 |
153 | Strangeness Modifier | 01??24C1 |
154 | Walk Really Slow Code | 01FF211C1 |
155 | Screen Is Disfigure | 010026C1 |
156 | Wield Code | 013425C1 |
157 | Strange Things Modifier | 01??04D6 01??0AD6 |
158 | Strange Things 2 Modifier | 01??25C1 |
159 | A Strange But Cool Glitch Code | 010027C1 |
160 | Strange Walking Code, Seeing Code | 010027C1 |
161 | Slow Motion Code | 01050EC1 |
162 | A Very Odd But Strange Glitch Code | 01FF10C1 |
163 | Another Very Odd But Strange Glitch Code | 010024C1 010025C1 010026C1 |
164 | Glitch Intro Of Game | 010124C1 |
165 | Very Strange Ice Skate Mode & Strange Sound Effects39 | 011046C1 |
166 | Strange Sound Effects Modifier40 | 01??70D3 |
167 | Everything In The Game Is All Wavy41 | 01FF7FC1 |
168 | Indeed One Of The Strangest Glitch Code Of All Time42 | 01010EC1 |
169 | Ocean During Intro Of Game Is Shaking Alot | 01FF05C1 01FF06C1 |
170 | Everything Is In Slow Motion, Plus Link Can't Can't Use His Items, Weapons,etc | 011017C1 |
171 | Two Faced Link | 01FF1DC1 |
172 | Two Faced Link 2 | 01FF1EC1 |
173 | All Back Link | 01FF1DC1 01FF1EC1 |
174 | The Perfect Ice Skate Mode Code | 010020C1 |
175 | Inviable Link | 010045C1 |
176 | Walk Thru Walls Code | 01100AC1 |
177 | Walk Thru Walls Code 2 | 01007EC1 |
178 | Ultimate Walk Thru Walls Code | 01100AC1 01007EC1 |
179 | People Change Modifier (Use The Digits From The 'Other People Modifier' ) | 01??94C1 |
Notes |
1 | 00 - Blank 01 - Sword 02 - Bombs 03 - Power Bracelet 04 - Shield 05 - Bow 06 - Hookshot 07 - Wand 08 - Boots 09 - Ocarina 0A - Feather 0B - Shovel 0C - Magic Powder 0D - Boomerang |
2 | 00 - Blank 01 - Sword 02 - Bombs 03 - Power Bracelet 04 - Shield 05 - Bow 06 - Hookshot 07 - Wand 08 - Boots 09 - Ocarina 0A - Feather 0B - Shovel 0C - Magic Powder 0D - Boomerang |
3 | 0 - Green Tunic 1 - Red Tunic 2 - Blue Tunic |
4 | 00 - BowWow Is Chained 01 - BowWow Is With You 02 - BowWow Is Missing |
5 | Replace ? With: 1 - Yoshi Doll 2 - Bow 3 - Dog Food 4 - Bananas 5 - Stick 6 - Honey Comb 7 - Pineapple 8 - Hibiscus 9 - Letter A - Broom B - Fish Hook C - Necklace D - Scale E - Mirror |
6 | 00 Through 26 26 For Second Level Sword |
7 | Replace ?? With: 11 Tail Key 12 Angler Key 13 Face Key 14 Bird Key 15 Slime Key |
8 | Replace ?? With: 65 Full Moon Cello 66 Conch Horn 67 Sea Lily Bell 68 Surf Harp 69 Wind Marima 6A Coral Triangle 6B Organ of Evening Calm 6C Thunder Drum
9 | 01 - 0 02 - 1 03 - 2 04 - 3 05 - 4 06 - 5 07 - 6 08 - 7 09 - 8 10 - 9 11 - A 12 - B |
10 | Certain chickens, when attacked, will call an army over to attack you! Also makes some butterflies act funny. |
11 | If you steal from the shop, normally the shop-owner would go on a rampage because you stole from his shop and everyone will call you a thief. With this code, it makes these events never happen! |
12 | Go into the shop and you will be accused for stealing for no reason at all and he kills ya! |
13 | After you have given Richard his key, save and turn the code off. |
14 | WIth this code, if you go to Madam Meow Meow's house, you can find the actual Yoshi in life. Also, some little blocks that are the same color of the ground could block your way or get you stuck. |
15 | You can only enable one of these power-ups! 01 - Increased Attack 02 - Increased Defense |
16 | With this code, you cant get hurt by enemy attacks, the only way youc an get hurt is by falling into lava, and into pits. |
17 | 1 - Marin Follows you 0 - Marin doesn't follow you |
18 | 1 - Rooster follows you 0 - Rooster doesn't follow you |
19 | where 00 = Tail Cave 01 = Bottle Grotto 02 = Key Cavern 03 = Anglers Tunnel 04 = Cat Fishes Maw 05 = Face Shrine 06 = Eagle's Tower 07 = Turtle Rock 08 = Wind Fish Egg FF = Color Dungeon (DX only). Since the code may not put you at the dungeon entrance I would STRONGLY advise activating the 'Have Ocarina 010900DB' and 'Ocarina Has All Songs 010749DB' codes so that you can use song 2 to warp to the dungeon entrance. This is especially important if you have not previously opened the dungeon with a key. Warning! Leaving a dungeon you have not opened with a key will result in you not being able to re-enter. In that case just restart the game again with the codes activated. Note: JMan had previously worked on this code and found the Dungeon counter code at 01XX60DB. It was with his help I was able to complete the hack, especially since he found the quantifier for the color dungeon. |
20 | Link is in the Middle of the screen but is relly somewhere elsewhere. |
21 | This code makes it so that everything is in slow motion, most enemies are dead, and many rupees/power-ups are everywhere. You'll even see lightning on the loading screen! |
22 | 01 - Shovel 02 - Hearts 03 - Shield 04 - Bombs 05 - Bow & Arrow set 06 - Arrows 07 - Wisle (Free) 08 - Accron 09 - Crazy Tracy's Medicine (Free) |
23 | 00 - Glitched Enemies 01 - Female Bowwow 39 - Invisible Enemies 40 - Plant Monster 41 - Strange Head Monster 42 - Crow 43 - Old Lady 44 - Skull Monster 45 - Mother & Child 46 - Old Guy 47 - The Lady Who Owns Bowwow 48 - Small Bowwow 49 - Crazy Tracys Head 4A - Sea Fish & Sea Plant Monster 4B - Guy Who Rights Letters 4C - Strange Fish 4D - Fishing Guy 4F - Strange Circles 50 - Muiscal Insturements 51 - Same But Better Then The Code Above 52 - Strange Creature 53 - Giant Monster 54 - Cyclops 55 - Kirby Like Creature 56 - Strange Monster 57 - Strange Eye Creature 58 - Mask Monster 59 - Card Monster 5A - Knight Monster 5B - Frog Guy 5C - Frog 5D - Big Fish From The Fish Mini Game 5E - Horses Head 5F - Snake/Plant 60 - Bug/ Strange Creature 61 - Fish Creature 62 - Skull 63 - Sword/Sheild 64 - Plant Eater 65 - Angry Store 66 - Strange Sign 67 - Monkey 68 - Strange Monkey 69 - Dog Like Creature 6A - Cup/Bannanas 6B - Bee's Nest/ Signing Guy 6C - Marlins Dad 6D - Father Of The Kid 6E - Strange Slime Monster 6F - Warus 70 - Same As Above 71 - Mermaid's Head 72 - Same As Above 73 - Mermaid Statue 74 - Ghost Head 75 - Fisherman Fishing 76 - Flying Monster 77 - Mummy Monster 78 - All Monsters & People Are The Same 79 - Green Eye Monster 7A - Flying Gremlin Monster 7B - Snake 7C - Beast Monsters 7D - Hoping Frog 7E - Crocodile 7F - Same As Above But The Crocodile Is Smiling 80 - Beast Master Monster 81 - Spike Monster 9E - Strange Bird Monster 9F - Very Very Strange Creature A1 - Big Fish/Fish Hook A2 - Flying Monster A3 - Witchs Head A4 - Bowwow A5 - Strange Monster A6 - Some Monster/Person A7 - Peugrin A8 - Big Bug A9 - Skull Man AA - Plant Monster 2 AB - Strange White Monster AC - Strage Urn Orb AD - Glitch B0 - Worm Monster B1 - Middle Of Worm Monster B2 - Tail Of Worm Monster B3 - Strange Stick Thing B4 - Eye BB - Strange Slime Creature BC - Dragon Head BD - A Wing BE - Claws C0 - A Word That Appers The Word You See Is OH C2 - Eyes C3 - SeaShell Creature C4 - Bunny C5 - Singing Marlin C6 - Strange Thing C7 - Flying Gremin C8 - Raccon CD - Girl Crocodile CE - Strange Creature CF - Sqauel D0 - Head Of Crocodile Man D2 - Monkey D3 - Some Guy D4 - Bannanas D5 - Brick Wall D8 - Scary Ghost DC - LittleBoy DD - Chicken/Hen DE - Chicken DF - Rat E0 - Bowwows Pup E1 - Girl Bowwow E2 - Marlins Dad E3 - Ball Shooter Monster E4 - Bowwow E5 - Chicken E6 - Dancing Marlin E7 - Boy E8 - Hole F0 - Blob F2 - Strange Blob F3 - Eye F4 - Link Himself F5 - Link Himself 2 F7 - Strange Urn Ball F9 - Evil Strange Urn Ball FA - Skull FB - Crystal Ball FD - Strange Thing FE - Target Squares FF - Circle Things |
24 | The only quantity digit that doesn't delete your files is 00. |
25 | The introduction isn't played, too. |
26 | Almost everything is in A's! Sometimes it gets stuck though and just keeps saying stuff, all you have to do is push the button ontop of the Cheat Device. |
27 | Link will not spin with most quantity digits. If you put FF it flashes like he's going to spin but he doesn't. |
28 | The Ending Of The Game Will Play During The Intro Of The Game. Also This Is A Huge Soilier Of The Game, So Use At Own Risk Of Seeing The End Intro Of The Game. |
29 | 00=Save 1 01=Save 2 02=Save 3 03=Erase 04=Die And See GAME OVER |
30 | Note: You Have EveryThing, Even New Saves, All Hearts, And More Note 2: May Screw Up Saves Because This Code Makes Its Own Saves For This Game. But It Won't Hurt The Game. |
31 | Just Equip The Shield You Have And It Will Change Into A Better One. |
32 | When Loading Up A Save Game, Entering A House, Store, Cave,etc Everything Will Become A Blurey State For A Few Seconds And The Screen Will Go Back To Nomal. This Is Indeed A Cool Code To Use! |
33 | When Having The Sword And Pressing The Swing Sword Button Will Make You Be Able To Beat Any Enemie There Is. In which Making Killing Enemies A whoole Lot More fun. |
34 | 00=Nomal Music 02=Power Up Music |
35 | 00=Lower Part Of Z In Zelda 01=Lower Part Of E In Zelda 02=Upper Part Of E In Zelda 03=Lower Part Of L In Zelda 04=Upper Part Of D In Zelda 05=Upper Part Of A In Zelda 06=Lower Part Of A In Zelda 07=Upper Part Of Z In Zelda |
36 | This Makes The Music Of The Game Sound Strange, Plus Your Sword After Loaded and Do That Spin Thing You Will Hear A Cooler Sound Of Your Sword And More. |
37 | Your Saves Look Like They Are Eased But There Still There, All You Have To Do Is Load The Game Like Nomal, But You Can't Move Thu. |
38 | You can come out of no where like from above and fall down saftley to the ground when entering a place like a house, shop etc. |
39 | Turn Off The Game Shark Switch When Entering Leaving A Place. |
40 | 00=No Sound Effects 01=Getting A Full Heart 04=About To Die 05=Money Spent 08=Spin And Die 09=Flute Music 1 0A=Flute Music 2 0B=Flute Music 3 0C=Falling 0F=Menu Select 10=Death Cry Of A Boss 14=Menu Select 2 15=Flute Music 4 17=Strange Dragon Like Noise 18=Bowwows Pups Bark 1B=Nitemare Key Near By 1F=Space Invaders Noise 21=Laser Noise 22=Laser Powering Up Noise 23=Beebing Noise 26=Wierd Noise 2B=Wierd Death Sound Noise 2F=Wierd Fall Noise 30=Wierd Laser Noise 34=Wierd Laser Loading Up Noise 35=Missle Noise 3A=Chicken/Roaster Noises 3B=Strange Money Noise 3C=BottomLess Pit Fall Noise 3F=Jungle Noises 41=Dropping Of A Giant Missle 43=Laser Gaining Super Power 44=Double Beeping 45=Fast Powering Laser |
41 | This Makes TheGame Look Like A Dream! |
42 | Note For All The Glitch Codes: Those Glitch Codes Causes Strange Things To Happen Like Turning Things Inside And Out, Deformation Of Things,etc |
Credits |
---| | 1, 2, 14, 17, 18, 19 |
Parasyte | 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 23, 25, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 65, 66, 67 |
N/A | 13 |
Jedi Sibn | 15, 16, 22, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64 |
Master Games | 21 |
Pokemon Master & Charizard | 24 | | 26, 52 |
Pokemon Master | 27, 28 | | 29 |
HyperHacker | 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 |
ash_link | 35, 36, 83 | | 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 | | 53 | | 54 | | 55, 56, 77, 78, 79, 80, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 |
Lone Soldier | 58, 63 | | 61 | | 68, 69, 70, 71 | | 72, 73 | | 74 |
dyslexic dawggy | 75, 76 |
macrox | 81 |
macrox & Jman | 82 |
Jake Storm | 84 |
FFVIIAbuser | 94, 95, 96, 97 |
Police Nypd | 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179 |