WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
Space Fever |
1 | Quick Score Gain | 01FF68D8 |
2 | Always Double Laser | 01021AD8 |
3 | Machine Gun Laser | 010818D8 |
Ball |
4 | Quick Score Gain | 01FFE6D9 |
Run! Run! Run! |
5 | 00 Seconds Total | 010029D0 |
6 | Mole Can't Move | 01001DD0 |
7 | Bird Can't Move1 | 01000ED0 |
Notes |
1 | Switch Must be off until after the race officially begins |
Credits |
DragonJerm@aol.com | 1, 2, 4, 5 |
Robodemon | 3 |
GameDr4 | 6, 7 |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0 - Anti-GSC Mod
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Anti-GSC 2005