
Tennis 2K2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1[M] Must Be First9C5D88F8
2P1: 6 Matches Won71952A61 C0705041
71932A61 00000006
3P1: 1 Score Needed For WinF974A2D1 00000003
4P1: Never WinF974A2D1 00000000
5P2: 6 Matches WonA74BFA33 C0705041
A74DFA33 00000006
6P2: 1 Score Needed For Win3AEEB489 00000003
7P2: Never Win3AEEB489 00000000
8[M] Must Be Last245EECA9

Interact1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8