

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1More Energy For Player 1NYSGLUYN
2More Energy For Player 2NYVKTUYN
3Less Energy For Player 1YLSGLUYN
4Less Energy For Player 2YLVKTUYN
5More Energy For Players 1 And 2 After ContinueNNNGKNYN
6Less Energy For Players 1 And 2 After ContinueYUNGKNYN
7No Harm From FallingAEXLPGAP
8No Harm From Attacks Or Bad FoodGXXLALOP
9More Damage Done From FallingAXXLPGAP
10Double Energy From FoodGEULLLIA
11Half Energy From FoodAEULLLIA
12No Harm From WaterAAOUOPPA
13Sometimes Punching Buildings Will Increase Or Decrease Your HealthGAPEOZ
14Attacks Decrease DamageSITONI
15A Lot Of Power Up's Show UpAKPSZV
16Same Music Every LevelSTZOPY
17Close To InvincibilityAEPSSP
18Buildings Are Hard To Tell Apart From One AnotherAEPTZA

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
David13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18