

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Start With 2 LivesPASGVGLA
2Start With 6 LivesIASGVGLA
3Start With 8 LivesYASGVGLA
4Start With 10 LivesPASGVGLE
5Infinite LivesSXEKKSVK
6Protection From Most HitsSZVPOKVK
7Start With 1 ContinuePAKGUGLA
8Start With 5 ContinuesIAKGUGLA
9Start With 7 ContinuesYAKGUGLA
10Start With 9 ContinuesPAKGUGLE
11Infinite ContinuesULOTSYTN
12Don't Burn Money At CampfireSUNPXXSO
13Start With 2X Life (Does Not Show On Meter)AXOKNGAP
14Start With 1/2 LifeAEOKNGAO
15Start With $100VTVKVKSE
16Start With $10,000VTVKUKSE
17Start With $650,0001VGVKUKSE
18Some Bags Contain Mega-Money, Some Contain No MoneyYONKKXAP

1Display shows $xx0000 until you pick up first money bag.

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18