
Burger Time

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Start Game With Infinite LivesSZSTVAVI
2Start Game With 8 LivesAASGKLGE
3Start Game With Infinite PeppersSLKIZYVI
4Start Game With Double PeppersAPVGSLIA
5Anti-Gravity ShoesGZVIAZEI
6Peter Pepper Gets Super SpeedYPESOUGO
7Fast Play For ExpertsSZKNNIAX
8Monsters Always Move SlowlySXVSSXSU
9Monsters Move At Double SpeedSXVSSXSU
10Monsters Move At Quadruple SpeedSXVSSXSU
11Start With About 127 LivesYYSGKLGE
12Super Slow CharacterAAESOUGO
13Super Slow MonstersYYVSVXAO

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Strato11, 12, 13