

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite LivesSZUGGTVG
2Start With 1 LifeAEESKGZA
3Start With 6 LivesIEESKGZA
4Start With 9 LivesAEESKGZE
5Extra Energy On Heart Pick-UpGEEPOTPA
6Infinite Pellets After Pick-UpGZNOUGST
7Double Usual Pellets On Pick-UpGPSPXVZA
8Half Usual Pellets On Pick-UpIASPXVZA
9Walk Through Enemies/Invincible (Read Note)1SZOPEZVK
10Take 4X The DamageSZOPKZSE
11Regenerate Your Life (Except When You Are Hit By The Joker's Gun)2SKGGGT
12Changes Colour In Cinema Screens, Music Is Different When Pressing PauseLATESO
13Ghostly BatmanOISOSK
14Epileptic CodeVALKIN
15Semi-Controllable Mega-JumpNZUOAUPA

1This code makes you invincible to Enemies and Bosses ONLY. Background hazards, such as fans, electricity, the liquid in level 2-1, and gears, such as the ones in level 5-1, can still hurt you. But it's still just one life point. I suggest also using the SKGGGT code alongside this one so that you can't die from the background hazards. The Joker's bullets can still hurt you!
2Your life meter will refill itself every time it reaches a critical level. You can be harmed, but never killed. Here's what to do to assure your winning: Jump around as much as possible, and don't stay to far from the Joker, he will shoot you. Instead, try and jump on him as much as possible, then either punch him until he brings the lightning, get hit by that so that your life meter regenerates, then do the same, or just get hit by the lightning when it comes, and don't punch the Joker (punching is the best weapon in this technique).

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
DocLathropBrown9, 10
Daniel T12, 13, 14
Phil The Hammer15