
World Series Baseball

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Player 1 Starts With 8 RunsHENA-DAYN
2Player 1 Starts With 1 RunHENA-DEYN
3Player 1 Starts With 2 RunsHENA-DJYN
4Player 1 Starts With 3 RunsHENA-DNYN
5Player 2 Starts With 8 RunsHENA-DAZE
6Player 2 Starts With 1 RunHENA-DEZE
7Player 2 Starts With 2 RunsHENA-DJZE
8One Ball For A WalkAFCV-CAFC
98 Balls For A Walk1BBCV-CAFC
10One Strike For An OutAFDB-CABA
11Unlimited OutsAKDB-CA7A

1Ignore the ball counter.

?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11