

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1(M) Must Be On0E3C7DF2 1853E59E
2Asb 2003FE129DDC BCA99B82
3(Al Star) Auston DingersFE129DDF BCA99B82
4Jeff Bagwell (Sp Astros)FE129DDE BCA99B82
5Tony Batista (Sp Bluejays)FE129DD9 BCA99B82
6Barry Bonds (Sp Giants)FE129DD8 BCA99B82
7Roger Clemens (Sp)FE129DDB BCA99B82
8Carlos Delgado (Sp Bluejays)FE129DDA BCA99B82
9Jim Edmonds (Sp Cardinals)FE129DE5 BCA99B82
10Jason Giambi (Sp A's)FE129DE4 BCA99B82
11Troy Blaus (Sp Angels)FE129DE7 BCA99B82
12Ken Griffey Jr (Sp Reds)FE129DE6 BCA99B82
13Vladimir Guerrero (Sp Expos)FE129DE1 BCA99B82
14Tony Gwynn (Sp)FE129DE0 BCA99B82
15Todd Helton (Sp Rockies)FE129DE3 BCA99B82
16Richard Hidalgo (Sp Astros)FE129DE2 BCA99B82
17Reggie Jackson (Sp)FE129DED BCA99B82
18David Justice (Sp Yankees)FE129DEC BCA99B82
19Harmon Killebrew (Sp)FE129DEF BCA99B82
20Mark Mcguire (Sp Cardinals)FE129DEE BCA99B82
21Roy Oswalt (Sp)FE129DE9 BCA99B82
22Rafael Palmeiro (Sp Rangers)FE129DE8 BCA99B82
23Mike Piazza (Sp Mets)FE129DEB BCA99B82
24Albert Pujols (Sp)FE129DEA BCA99B82
25Manny Ramirez (Sp Red Sox)FE129DF5 BCA99B82
26Alex Rodriguez (Sp Rangers)FE129DF4 BCA99B82
27Nolan Ryan (Sp)FE129DF7 BCA99B82
28C.c Sabatha (Sp)FE129DF6 BCA99B82
29Mike Schmidt (Sp)FE129DF1 BCA99B82
30Gary Sheffield (Sp Dodgers)FE129DF0 BCA99B82
31Tsuyoshi (Sp)FE129DF3 BCA99B82
32Sammy Sosa (Sp Cubs)FE129DF2 BCA99B82
33Ichiro (Sp)FE129DFD BCA99B82
34Frank Thomas (Sp White Sox)FE129DFC BCA99B82
35Jim Thome (Sp Indians)FE129DFF BCA99B82
36Robin Yount (Sp)FE129CFE BCA99B82
37AstrodomeFE129CF9 BCA99B82
38Classic FenwayFE129CF8 BCA99B82
39Classic WrigleyFE129CFB BCA99B82
40Classic YankeeFE129CFA BCA99B82
41Acclaim Sports ParkFE129C85 BCA99B82
42Enzo FieldFE129C84 BCA99B82
43Fischbach FieldFE129C87 BCA99B82
44LockodomeFE129C86 BCA99B82
45Old Snavely StadiumFE129C81 BCA99B82
46Whitaker GroundsFE129C80 BCA99B82
47Zentmeyer DomeFE129C83 BCA99B82
48Fobes FieldFE129C82 BCA99B82
49Polo GroundsFE129C8D BCA99B82
50RiverfrontFE129C8C BCA99B82
51Tiger StadiumFE129C8F BCA99B82
52Brandon Adcock (Developer)FE129C8E BCA99B82
53Kevin Brinson (Developer)FE129C89 BCA99B82
54Randy Buck (Developer)FE129C88 BCA99B82
55Nigel Cook (Developer)FE129C8B BCA99B82
56Malc Crummack (Developer)FE129C8A BCA99B82
57Peyton Duncan (Developer)FE129C95 BCA99B82
58Nelson Everhart (Developer)FE129C94 BCA99B82
59Tim Flier (Developer)FE129C97 BCA99B82
60Tom Green (Developer)FE129C96 BCA99B82
61Bill Kydd (Developer)FE129C91 BCA99B82
62Matt Liverman (Developer)FE129C90 BCA99B82
63Andrew Locko (Developer)FE129C93 BCA99B82
64Wes Mailman (Developer)FE129C92 BCA99B82
65Michael Mann (Developer)FE129C9D BCA99B82
66Matt Mcerney (Developer)FE129C9C BCA99B82
67Shawn Nicholson (Developer)FE129C9F BCA99B82
68Dan Rubel (Developer)FE129C9E BCA99B82
69Cooper Sellers (Developer)FE129C99 BCA99B82
70Mike Skinner (Developer)FE129C98 BCA99B82
71Pj Snavely (Developer)FE129C9B BCA99B82
72Ryan Star (Developer)FE129C9A BCA99B82
73Sarma Vanguri (Developer)FE129CA5 BCA99B82
74Mario Ventrella (Developer)FE129CA4 BCA99B82
75Rob Whitakker (Developer)FE129CA7 BCA99B82
76Have Justin Withers (Developer)FE129CA6 BCA99B82
77Tom Zentmeyer (Developer)FE129CA1 BCA99B82
78Auston DingersFE129CA0 BCA99B82
79Redwood PixelsFE129CA3 BCA99B82
80Glen Cove IslandersFE129CA2 BCA99B82
81The RookiesFE129CAD BCA99B82
82Al LegendsFE129CAC BCA99B82
83Nl LegendsFE129CAF BCA99B82
84San Mateo WrinkliesFE129CAE BCA99B82
85Angels (Alt)FE129CA9 BCA99B82
86Astros (Alt)FE129CA8 BCA99B82
87A's (Alt)FE129CAB BCA99B82
88Blue Jays (Alt)FE129CAA BCA99B82
89Braves (Alt)FE129CB5 BCA99B82
90Brewers (Alt)FE129CB4 BCA99B82
91Cardinals (Alt)FE129CB7 BCA99B82
92Cubs (Alt)FE129CB6 BCA99B82
93Devil Rays (Alt)FE129CB1 BCA99B82
94Diamondbacks (Alt)FE129CB0 BCA99B82
95Dingerrs (Alt)FE129CB3 BCA99B82
96Dodgers (Alt)FE129CB2 BCA99B82
97Expos (Alt)FE129CBD BCA99B82
98Giants (Alt)FE129CBC BCA99B82
99Indians (Alt)FE129CBF BCA99B82
100Pilots (Alt)FE129CBE BCA99B82
101Marlins (Alt)FE129CB9 BCA99B82
102Mets (Alt)FE129CB8 BCA99B82
103Orioles (Alt)FE129CBB BCA99B82
104Padres (Alt)FE129CBA BCA99B82
105Phillies (Alt)FE129C45 BCA99B82
106Pirates (Alt)FE129C44 BCA99B82
107Rangers (Alt)FE129C47 BCA99B82
108Reds (Alt)FE129C46 BCA99B82
109Red Sox (Alt)FE129C41 BCA99B82
110Rockies (Alt)FE129C40 BCA99B82
111Royals (Alt)FE129C43 BCA99B82
112Tigers (Alt)FE129C42 BCA99B82
113Twins (Alt)FE129C4D BCA99B82
114White Sox (Alt)FE129C4C BCA99B82
115Yankees (Alt)FE129C4F BCA99B82

?2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115