
GoldenEye 007

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D00F2784 00??
2Activator 2 P1D00F2785 00??
3Dual Activator P1D10F2784 ????
4Activator 1 P2D00F5204 00??
5Activator 2 P2D00F5205 00??
6Dual Activator P2D10F5204 ????
7Activator 1 P3D00F7C84 00??
8Activator 2 P3D00F7C85 00??
9Dual Activator P3D10F7C84 ????
10Activator 1 P4D00FA704 00??
11Activator 2 P4D00FA705 00??
12Dual Activator P4D10FA704 ????
Player 1 Codes
13P1 Infinite Health810F24AC 3F80
14P1 Infinite Armor810F24B0 3F80
15P1 Infinite Ammo (Right Gun)800F2C6F 00FF
16P1 Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun)800F2C60 0011
17P1 Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F2C59 0020
18P1 Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun)1800F2C43 00??
19P1 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F2C61 00FF
20P1 Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun)800F2C29 00F7
21P1 Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun)800F2C65 0001
22P1 Infinite Ammo (Left Gun)800F3017 00FF
23P1 Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun)800F3008 0011
24P1 Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F3001 0020
25P1 Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun)800F2FEB 00??
26P1 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F3009 00FF
27P1 Continuous Fire (Left Gun)800F2FF4 0001
28P1 Earthquake Modifier800F2BA3 00??
29P1 Distortion Mode Vision800F2BC0 0003
30P1 Shoot Through Most Stuff800F2FF4 0001
31P1 Have All Weapons800F35BC 0007
32P1 Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change)800F2C61 000B
33P1 Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up800F2C60 00FF
34P1 Odd Colored Arm/Hand800F2C34 0002
35Infinite 9MM Bullets P1810F3506 013C
36Infinite KF7 Bullets P1810F350E 013C
37Infinite Rockets P1810F351A 013C
38Infinite Tank Shells P1810F3572 013C
39Infinite Shotgun Shells P1810F3512 013C
40Infinite Magnum Bullets P1810F3532 013C
41Infinite Golden Bullets P1810F3536 013C
42Infinite Grenades P1810F352E 013C
43Moon Jump P12D00F2784 0040
810F244C 412B
Player 2 Codes
44P2 Infinite Health810F4F2C 3F80
45P2 Infinite Armor810F4F30 3F80
46P2 Infinite Ammo (Right Gun)800F56EF 00FF
47P2 Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun)800F56E0 0011
48P2 Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F56D9 0020
49P2 Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun)800F56C3 00??
50P2 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F56E1 00FF
51P2 Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun)800F56A9 00F7
52P2 Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun)800F56E5 0001
53P2 Infinite Ammo (Left Gun)800F5A97 00FF
54P2 Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun)800F5A88 0011
55P2 Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F5A81 0020
56P2 Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun)800F5A6B 00??
57P2 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F5A89 00FF
58P2 Continuous Fire (Left Gun)800F5A74 0001
59P2 Earthquake Modifier800F5623 00??
60P2 Distortion Mode Vision800F5640 0003
61P2 Shoot Through Most Stuff800F5A74 0001
62P2 Have All Weapons800F603C 0007
63P2 Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change)800F5761 000B
64P2 Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up800F5760 00FF
65P2 Odd Colored Arm/Hand800F5734 0002
66Infinite 9MM Bullets P2810F5F86 013C
67Infinite KF7 Bullets P2810F5F8E 013C
68Infinite Rockets P2810F5F9A 013C
69Infinite Tank Shells P2810F5FF2 013C
70Infinite Shotgun Shells P2810F5F92 013C
71Infinite Magnum Bullets P2810F5FB2 013C
72Infinite Golden Bullets P2810F5FB6 013C
73Infinite Grenades P2810F5FAE 013C
74Moon Jump P23D00F5204 0040
810F4ECC 412B
Player 3 Codes
75P3 Infinite Health810F79AC 3F80
76P3 Infinite Armor810F79B0 3F80
77P3 Infinite Ammo (Right Gun)800F816F 00FF
78P3 Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun)800F8160 0011
79P3 Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F8159 0020
80P3 Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun)800F8143 00??
81P3 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800F8161 00FF
82P3 Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun)800F8129 00F7
83P3 Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun)800F8165 0001
84P3 Infinite Ammo (Left Gun)800F8517 00FF
85P3 Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun)800F8508 0011
86P3 Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F8501 0020
87P3 Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun)800F84EB 00??
88P3 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800F8509 00FF
89P3 Continuous Fire (Left Gun)800F84F4 0001
90P3 Earthquake Modifier800F80A3 00??
91P3 Distortion Mode Vision800F80C0 0003
92P3 Shoot Through Most Stuff800F84F4 0001
93P3 Have All Weapons800F8ABC 0007
94P3 Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change)800F8161 000B
95P3 Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up800F8160 00FF
96P3 Odd Colored Arm/Hand800F8134 0002
97Infinite 9MM Bullets P3810F8A06 013C
98Infinite KF7 Bullets P3810F8A0E 013C
99Infinite Rockets P3810F8A1A 013C
100Infinite Tank Shells P3810F8A72 013C
101Infinite Shotgun Shells P3810F8A12 013C
102Infinite Magnum Bullets P3810F8A32 013C
103Infinite Golden Bullets P3810F8A36 013C
104Infinite Grenades P3810F8A2E 013C
105Moon Jump P34D00F7C84 0040
810F794C 412B
Player 4 Codes
106P4 Infinite Health810FA42C 3F80
107P4 Infinite Armor810FA430 3F80
108P4 Infinite Ammo (Right Gun)800FABEF 00FF
109P4 Quick Weapon Change (Right Gun)800FABE0 0011
110P4 Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800FABD9 0020
111P4 Gun Equipped Modifier (Right Gun)800FABC3 00??
112P4 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Right Gun)800FABE1 00FF
113P4 Continuous Fire (Right Gun)800FABCC 0001
114P4 Silver Hand/Gun (Right Hand/Gun)800FABA9 00F7
115P4 Can't Fire Weapon (Right Gun)800FABE5 0001
116P4 Infinite Ammo (Left Gun)800FAF97 00FF
117P4 Quick Weapon Change (Left Gun)800FAF88 0011
118P4 Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800FAF81 0020
119P4 Gun Equipped Modifier (Left Gun)800FAF6B 00??
120P4 Quick Weapon Change & Rapid Fire (Left Gun)800FAF89 00FF
121P4 Earthquake Modifier800FAB23 00??
122P4 Distortion Mode Vision800FAB40 0003
123P4 Shoot Through Most Stuff5800FAF74 0001
124P4 Have All Weapons800FB53C 0007
125P4 Epileptic Bond (No Hand & Quick Gun Change)800FAC61 000B
126P4 Only Gun in Left Hand Shows up800FAC60 00FF
127P4 Odd Colored Arm/Hand800FAC34 0002
128Infinite 9MM Bullets P4810FB486 013C
129Infinite KF7 Bullets P4810FB48E 013C
130Infinite Rockets P4810FB49A 013C
131Infinite Tank Shells P4810FB4F2 013C
132Infinite Shotgun Shells P4810FB492 013C
133Infinite Magnum Bullets P4810FB4B2 013C
134Infinite Golden Bullets P4810FB4B6 013C
135Infinite Grenades P4810FB4AE 013C
136Moon Jump P46D00FA704 0040
810FA3CC 412B

100 - No Guns
01 - Fist
02 - Fighting Knife
03 - Throwing Knife
04 - Non-Silenced PP7
05 - Soviet thinks it is a Silenced PP7
06 - Dostevis
07 - Klobb
08 - Soviet
09 - ZMG 9mm
10 - Shotgun
11 - Sniper Rifle
12 - Cougar Magnum
13 - Golden Gun
14 - Silver PP7
15 - Golden PP7
16 - MoonRaker Laser
17 - Watch Laser
18 - Grenade Launcher
19 - Rocket Launcher
20 - Tank
21 - Briefcase Bomb
22 - Plastique
23 - Strange Explosion Weapon [Difficult to Aim With As Well]
0A - Deutsche
2Hold the B button to jump. You must fall off something before you can rise in the air! So if you're in the Dam, get on top of the first tower near the start, hold B, and run off the steps really fast! You'll start going up!
3Hold the B button to jump. You must fall off something before you can rise in the air! So if you're in the Dam, get on top of the first tower near the start, hold B, and run off the steps really fast! You'll start going up!
4Hold the B button to jump. You must fall off something before you can rise in the air! So if you're in the Dam, get on top of the first tower near the start, hold B, and run off the steps really fast! You'll start going up!
5With these `Shoot Through Most Stuff' codes, you can shoot doors bullet proof windows, YOU can GO places where you are not supposed to, like in the train, suface 1, in multiplayer if you play 2,3,4 players, select archives, now you can go in the entire level!!!!! Now you can blow up most everything,doors windows other stuff too!
6Hold the B button to jump. You must fall off something before you can rise in the air! So if you're in the Dam, get on top of the first tower near the start, hold B, and run off the steps really fast! You'll start going up!

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136