
Super Mario Advance (Japanese)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Mario Bros. 2 Codes
1(M) Must Be OnF7289A4F 197A39FC
1DE3A50A 78274268
2Always Big MarioDA3DB398 9B30D26B
3Have All 5 Coins33B42038 63C3C301
4Infinite LivesE52F6A5A 85542BEB
5Infinite Float0DD68057 253D5A35
6Get A Star Everytime You Pick Up A Cherry5512937A 0C3F2037
7Always InvincibleF29A5027 700D0F21
8Always MarioA3C46537 8DDC5D44
9Always Peach15618439 278A363B
10Always ToadCF84B85F ADDDD7DB
11Always Luigi2E487EF1 CF5FEE69
12Invincible/Walk Thru Enemies19DD48AC AF151404
13Have Both Yoshi Eggs29314C06 3B5AC3C6
14Cheat Device Button For Moon Jump/Quick FallDF7DE7D1 574DE208
BA8EF8DD F6558224
15Start on world 1-2DBE785C9 FAF21AD9
16Start on world 1-3F9F53E59 1BC7DD2D
17Start on world 2-106EE4FB2 86E538DD
18Start on world 2-257182A49 3F628105
19Start on world 2-300127F04 1144AD03
20Start on world 3-10F358459 AFB10A8B
21Start on world 3-267BA4B6D 06590112
22Start on world 3-3AA84DDDB 972467F9
23Start on world 4-13B8B8904 594825FC
24Start on world 4-2F1769D53 AE1CFA66
25Start on world 4-39F66ED00 2093582B
26Start on world 5-1C5D380F3 F3EF10AD
27Start on world 5-280AF3D23 A0196114
28Start on world 5-323A09D36 5ABC12A9
29Start on world 6-1F986362E D264326F
30Start on world 6-220265293 9CA49C6D
31Start on world 6-31200C209 60823531
32Start on world 7-1106A8DF0 C4A10EC2
33Start at world 7-216B74D88 05078253
34Cheat Device Button For SlowDBBA3A89 4CB74B94

Koronix1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 33
XAnimal6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32