World Is Not Enough, The

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Hi-Res Enabler1FF000204 0000
F10A9240 2400
2Infinite Ammo(All Levels)810648DC 2400
3Have All Guns On All Levels (1337 Method)8105F224 0800
8105F226 0024
8105F228 3C02
8105F22A 0100
81000090 269B
81000092 0280
81000094 2442
81000096 0063
81000098 2696
8100009A 0388
8100009C 277B
8100009E 0008
810000A0 16DB
810000A2 FFFE
810000A4 AF62
810000A6 0000
810000A8 0801
810000AA 7C8B
810000AC A077
810000AE 01FC
4Have All Guns On All Levels8105F224 0810
8105F226 0000
8105F228 2442
8105F22A 0001
81400000 3C02
81400002 0100
81400004 2442
81400006 0063
81400008 AE82
8140000A 0288
8140000C AE82
8140000E 0298
81400010 AE82
81400012 02A0
81400014 AE82
81400016 02A8
81400018 AE82
8140001A 02B0
8140001C AE82
8140001E 02C0
81400020 AE82
81400022 02C8
81400024 AE82
81400026 02D0
81400028 AE82
8140002A 02D8
8140002C AE82
8140002E 02E8
81400030 AE82
81400032 02F0
81400034 AE82
81400036 02F8
81400038 AE82
8140003A 0300
8140003C AE82
8140003E 0308
81400040 AE82
81400042 0310
81400044 AE82
81400046 0320
81400048 AE82
8140004A 0330
8140004C AE82
8140004E 0338
81400050 AE82
81400052 0350
81400054 AE82
81400056 0358
81400058 AE82
8140005A 0360
8140005C AE82
8140005E 0370
81400060 AE82
81400062 0378
81400064 AE82
81400066 0380
81400068 AE82
8140006A 0388
8140006C AE82
8140006E 0340
81400070 AE82
81400072 0348
81400074 AE82
81400076 0350
81400078 0801
8140007A 7C8C
8140007C A077
8140007E 01FC
5Fail Objectives To Complete Them810315B8 2402
810315BA 0011
6Infinite Health (All Levels)8106DA0C 2400
7Infinite Body Armor (If You Have Some)8106D738 2400
8Start All Levels With Full Armor81065498 0800
8106549A 0018
81000060 3C02
81000062 42C8
81000064 0801
81000066 9528
81000068 AE62
8100006A 0060
9Raptor Magnum Clip Size Modifier (Primary)800C4C8E 00??
10Infinite Oxygen81069D58 2400
11Remove "Mission Failed" "Abort Mission" Text81074FD4 03E0
81074FD6 0008
81074FD8 2400
12Infinite Reloads (All Guns, All Levels)81063D78 1000
810714F0 0C00
810714F2 0015
81000054 3406
81000056 00FF
81000058 03E0
8100005A 0008
8100005C A446
8100005E 01BC
13Instant Watch Recharging8106CC1C 2402
8106CC1E 0064
14Clip Size Multiplier (All Guns, All Levels)281064964 0C00
81064966 001C
81064978 0060
8106497A 2021
81000070 9223
81000072 0082
81000074 03E0
81000076 0008
81000078 0003
8100007A 18??
15Jump Height Modifier (Default 3FF7)8106A922 ????
8106A924 4481
8106A926 1000
8106A93C E622
16Enable All Difficulties3810194E8 2402
810194EA 0002
810194EC A062
810194EE 76C7
17Start All Levels With Full Armor (Revised)81065498 3C04
8106549A 42C8
810654AC AE64
810654AE 0060
18Infinite Armor81071588 3C01
8107158A 42C8
8107158C AE41
8107158E 0060
19Have All Guns and Infinite Ammo481070A56 9821
81070A60 0013
81070A6C 3C02
81070A6E 0100
81070A70 3442
81070A72 0064
81070A78 AE42
81070A7A 01FC
20Infinite Ammo In Reserve (For Weapons That Actually Use Reserves)81064958 3405
8106495A 0064
8106495C A505
8106495E 01BC

1Only about 15 codes can be used. Don't bother with any of the level specific codes, as that stuff is random in hi-res. The misc assembly hack (like Infnite ammo/Health for all levels) are the way to go. Also, any long code that uses 804x addresses shouldnt' be used.
240 - x2
80 - x4
C0 - x8
3All Levels code still required to active the levels. This just activates all the difficulties. Should be savable.
4They won't show in inventory until you scroll through them with the A button during the game. Change weapon and change back to refill ammo, or use the other Infnite Ammo code with it.

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20