Turok Dinosaur Hunter Version 1.0

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Demon #11812CFC20 ????
2Demon #2812CFE48 ????
3Demon #3812C9050 ????
4Demon #4812C9278 ????
5Demon With Spear #1812C98F0 ????
6Demon With Axe #1812C94A0 ????
7Demon #5812C96C8 ????
8Bionically Enhanced Raptor #1812CD100 ????
9Killer Plant #1812D0070 ????
10Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #1812D04C0 ????
11Demon #6812CB2D0 ????
12Demon #7812CB4F8 ????
13Alien MI #1812CF7D0 ????
14Alien MI #2812D1EA0 ????
15Alien MI #3812C6530 ????
16Alien MI #4812C6308 ????
17Alien MI #5812CF5A8 ????
18Alien MI #6812C60E0 ????
19Demon #8812CC638 ????
20Demon #9812CC860 ????
21Demon #10812CCA88 ????
22Killer Plant #2812CBD98 ????
23Triceratops #1812D0298 ????
24Demon #11812CF158 ????
25Demon #12812CF380 ????
26Demon Lord #1812D20C8 ????
27Demon #13812CCED8 ????
28Pur-Lin #1812CD328 ????
29Pur-Lin #2812CD550 ????
30Pur-Lin #3812CD9A0 ????
31Killer Plant #3812CD778 ????
32Killer Plant #4812CF9F8 ????
33Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #2812D06E8 ????
34Demon #14812D1828 ????
35Demon #15812D1A50 ????
36Bionically Enhanced Raptor # 2812CDBC8 ????
37Demon Lord #2812CCCB0 ????
38Demon With Spear #2812D0B38 ????
39Demon #16812D0D60 ????
40Demon Lord #3812D0910 ????
41Pur-Lin #4812C69E8 ????
42Demon With Axe #2812C74B0 ????
43Demon With Spear #3812C76D8 ????
44Demon #17812C7060 ????
45Demon #18812C7F78 ????
46Demon #19812C81A0 ????
47Demon Lord #4812C7D50 ????
48Killer Plant #5812C7288 ????
49Killer Plant #6812C7900 ????
50Demon Lord #5812C67C0 ????
51Bionically Enhanced Dimetrodon #3812CB788 ????
52Bionically Enhanced Raptor #3812C9B80 ????
53Killer Plant #7812C83C8 ????
54Demon Lord #6812C90B8 ????
55Demon Lord #7812C9958 ????
56Demon #20812C8A40 ????
57Demon #21812C8C68 ????
58Demon #22812C8E90 ????
59Killer Plant #8812C8818 ????
60Demon Lord #8812C6C10 ????
61Demon Lord #9812C6E38 ????
62Pur-Lin #5812CB9B0 ????
63Subterranean #1812A47E8 ????
64Subterranean #2812A4A10 ????
65Subterranean #3812CC410 ????
66Subterranean #4812CC1E8 ????
67Subterranean #5812CBFC0 ????
68Alien MI #7812B7E78 ????
69Alien MI #8812B80A0 ????
70Alien MI #9812B82C8 ????
71Alien MI #10812B84F0 ????
72Alien MI #11812B8718 ????
73Bionically Enhanced Raptor #4812B8FB8 ????
74Bionically Enhanced Raptor #5812B91E0 ????
75Red Robot Guard #1812BEA48 ????
76Red Robot guard #2812BEC70 ????
77Demon Lord #10812B8940 ????
78Demon #23812B8B68 ????
79Demon #24812B8D90 ????
80Demon #25812BF738 ????
81Demon #26812BF960 ????
82Bionically Enhanced Raptor #6812B9408 ????
83Bionically Enhanced Raptor #7812B9630 ????
84Demon Lord #11812BA0F8 ????
85Demon Lord #12812B9858 ????
86Demon #27812B9A80 ????
87Bionically Enhanced Raptor #8812B9CA8 ????
88Bionically Enhanced Raptor #9812B9ED0 ????
89Bionically Enhanced Raptor #10812BA320 ????
90Yellow Robot Guard #1812BEE98 ????
91Demon With Axe #3812BA548 ????
92Demon With Spear #4812BA770 ????
93Demon With Spear #5812BB238 ????
94Demon #28812BA998 ????
95Demon #29812BABC0 ????
96Demon Lord #13812BADE8 ????
97Demon Lord #14812BB010 ????
98Demon #30812BB460 ????
99Demon #31812BB688 ????
100Demon #32812BC150 ????
101Demon #33812BC378 ????
102Demon #34812BC5A0 ????
103Demon #35812BC7C8 ????
104Yellow Robot Guard #2812BF0C0 ????
105Red Robot Guard #3812BFB88 ????
106Demon #36812BCE40 ????
107Drone Gun #1812BB8B0 ????
108Drone Gun #2812BBAD8 ????
109Demon Lord #15812BD068 ????
110Demon Lord #16812BD290 ????
111Drone Gun #3812BBF28 ????
112Alien MI #12812BD4B8 ????
113Alien MI #13812BE1A8 ????
114Alien MI #14812BD6E0 ????
115Drone Gun #4812BBD00 ????
116Alien MI #15812BD908 ????
117Drone Gun #5812BDB30 ????
118Drone Gun #6812BDD58 ????
119Alien MI #16812BE3D0 ????
120Red Robot Guard #4812BF2E8 ????
121Red Robot Guard #5812BF510 ????
122Yellow Robot Guard #3812BFDB0 ????
123Roach #1812CA190 ????
124Roach #2812CA5E0 ????
125Roach #3812CAA30 ????
126Roach #4812CAC58 ????
127Roach #5812CAE80 ????
128Roach #6812CA3B8 ????
129Roach #7812CB0A8 ????
130Roach #8812C9D40 ????
131Roach #9812CA808 ????
132Roach #10812CB720 ????
133Roach #11812CB948 ????
134Roach #12812CBB70 ????
135Roach #13812CE240 ????
136Roach #14812DE8B8 ????
137Roach #15812CEAE0 ????
138Roach #16812CED08 ????
139Roach #17812CEF30 ????
140Roach #18812CE690 ????
141Roach #19812CFBF0 ????
142Roach #20812CE018 ????
143Roach #21812CE468 ????

1Default is 3F80

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