Activator 1 |
00 | No Buttons |
01 | D-pad Right |
02 | D-pad Left |
04 | D-pad Down |
08 | D-pad Up |
10 | Start Button |
20 | Z Button |
40 | B Button |
80 | A Button |
You can combine these for multiple button combos. Ex: A Button + D-pad Down would be 84. |
Activator 2 |
00 | No Buttons |
01 | C-Right |
02 | C-Left |
04 | C-Down |
08 | C-Up |
10 | R Button |
20 | L Button |
You can combine these for multiple button combos. Ex: L Button + C-Right would be 21. |
Dual Activator |
16-Bit/Dual Activators require a version 3.0+ Gameshark. |
0000 | No Buttons |
0001 | C-Right |
0002 | C-Left |
0004 | C-Down |
0008 | C-Up |
0010 | R Button |
0020 | L Button |
0100 | D-pad Right |
0200 | D-pad Left |
0400 | D-pad Down |
0800 | D-pad Up |
1000 | Start Button |
2000 | Z Button |
4000 | B Button |
8000 | A Button |
You can combine these for multiple button combos. Ex: R Button + D-pad Left would be 0210. |
Powered by Psycho Snake Script v5.0.0
Everything here is copryight my ass. That's right, my ass 0wnz j00!
© Viper187 / The Snake Pit 1999-2009