Super Smash Brothers

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health P1 (All Levels, All Modes)810EA264 0810
810EA266 0000
81400000 5320
81400002 0001
81400004 0000
81400006 2821
81400008 0803
8140000A A89B
8140000C 01C5
8140000E 7821
2Infinite Health P1 + Multiply Everyone Elses Damage (All Levels, All Modes)810EA264 0810
810EA266 0004
81400010 5320
81400012 0001
81400014 0000
81400016 2821
81400018 241B
8140001A 00??
8140001C 00BB
8140001E 0019
81400020 0000
81400022 2812
81400024 0803
81400026 A89B
81400028 01C5
8140002A 7821
3Multiply Everyone's Damage EXCEPT P1 (All Levels, All Modes)1810EA264 0810
810EA266 000B
8140002C 241B
8140002E 00??
81400030 5320
81400032 0001
81400034 241B
81400036 00XX
81400038 00BB
8140003A 0019
8140003C 0000
8140003E 2812
81400040 0803
81400042 A89B
81400044 01C5
81400046 7821
4Multiply Everyone's Damage (All Levels, All Modes)810EA264 0810
810EA266 0012
81400048 241B
8140004A 00??
8140004C 00BB
8140004E 0019
81400050 0000
81400052 2812
81400054 0803
81400056 A89B
81400058 01C5
8140005A 7821
5Shields Are Fully Recharged When Not In Use (All Players, All Modes)810E6244 AE17
6No Shields (All Players, All Modes)810E62A0 01EF
7Shields Don't Drain Over Time (All Players, All Modes)8114834C 2400
8Rate Shields Drain Over Time Modifier (All Players, All Modes) (Default FFFF)81148346 ????
9Infinite Jumps (All Players, All Modes)8113FECC 240D
10Always Full Charge (All Players, All Modes)8115D5DE 0007
11Invincible/Untouchable P1 (All Levels, All Modes)2810E8AC0 0C00
810E8AC2 0018
81000060 8FA5
81000062 001C
81000064 3C01
81000066 8013
81000068 8C21
8100006A 0D84
8100006C 2404
8100006E 000?
81000070 50A1
81000072 0001
81000074 ACA4
81000076 05AC
81000078 03E0
8100007A 0008
8100007C 2400

1Damage P1 takes is multiplied by XX, everyone elses is multiplied by ??
2? is 2 for "after death invincibility" or 3 for simply not being able to be touched.

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11