Knockout Kings 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Stop Timer81067546 001C
2Round Modifier80067567 00??
3Neither Player's Super Punch Meter Builds Up810DB548 2400
4Always Have Super Punch P18106B9A6 012C
5Always Have Super Punch P28106B9AE 012C
6Recovery Meter Modifier P18106B64C ????
8106B64E ????
7Recovery Meter Modifier P28106B71C ????
8106B71E ????
8Timer Speed Modifier (Default 0001)810C2FA6 ????
9Timer Doesn't Run810C2FAC 2400
10No Health Recovery For Either Player810DAEE0 2400
11Health Recovery Rate Modifier (Default 40000000)810FE320 ????
810FE322 ????
12P1 Power Modifier8106B93A ????
13P1 Speed Modifier8106B942 ????
14P1 Stamina Modifier8106B946 ????
15P2 Power Modifier8106BA42 ????
16P2 Speed Modifier8106BA46 ????
17P2 Stamina Modifier8106BA4A ????
18Break Max Stats1810DBB14 1000
19Max Stats Modifier (Default 0065, 0064)810DBB12 ????
810DBB1E ????
20Break Stats Power810DBB60 1000
21Min Stats Modifier (Default 0065, 0064)810DBB5E ????
810DBB66 ????
22Don't Lose/Gain Creation Points8108F8F0 2400
23No Health Loss From Doing Special Combos810DC464 2400
24Number Of Rounds Modifier (All Modes)8006756B 00??
25Round Length Modifier (????=Seconds -- Default 00B4)810C2F10 3403
810C2F12 ????
810C2F14 0800
810C2F16 0018
81000060 241B
81000062 00B4
81000064 0363
81000066 1823
81000068 03E0
8100006A 0008
8100006C AC43
8100006E 0004
26CPU Recovery Rate Multiplier (3F00=0.5,4000=2.0)810DE0E8 0C00
810DE0EA 0024
81000090 3C01
81000092 ????
81000094 4481
81000096 0000
81000098 4600
8100009A A502
8100009C 03E0
8100009E 0008
810000A0 C600
810000A2 00A4
Career Mode Codes
27K.O.s Modifier80068BF3 00??
28??-00-00 Modifier80068BE7 00??
2900-??-00 Modifier80068BEB 00??
3000-00-?? Modifier80068BEF 00??

1At the start of a match, when it loads each fighters' stats, they can be a max of 100 (64 hex). This makes it so they can be anything. Makes CAB/Boxer Stats Mods more useful. :)

Viper1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30