
Ranting & Raving

Fuck Elections - 2020 Edition 7/7/20

I'm 38. I don't vote. I'm not registered, and I don't give a fuck. People who put out signs and bumper stickers are fucking idiots. Every fucking time people think shit is going to change or be different. The fact people think anyone, especially another ancient old fuck who's been in politics for 50 years already, will actually do anything really good is just sickening. The 2 party system is garbage, and the candidates will always be garbage. Doesn't matter who's in the big white house. Doesn't matter who's running state and local shit. They're all the same stupid rich fucks who pretend to know everything but really just do shit to benefit their country club buddies. It's all the same circle jerk, and the same old fucks that are a generation behind. Then people wonder why nothing changes. Oh, can we still call it "white house" or is that racist now???

You choose between some superstitious GOP lunatic who will protect the 2nd amendment but gives handouts and tax breaks to corporations, and has an administration full of religious zealots that push xtian agendas over science and neutrality...

OR a socialist fuck who wants to ban guns and throw money at everything instead of actually fixing it in more complex ways. Look how fucking shitty Obamacare was. It didn't solve shit. Neither will Medicare for all. Medicare is still essentially a fucking insurance company. They still have way more control over what treatments, tests, etc you can have than they fucking should. I shouldn't need to have teeth pulled because I won't pay $600 for a fucking root canal. An abscess is an infection, and saving the goddamn tooth should be covered. Make healthcare NON-profit and cap all the drug costs, fund hospitals directly etc.

Same with college. Stop letting kids that can't even get a goddamn credit card run up thousands in debt for a convoluted education that has you spending way more time learning useless shit than actually learning the job skills for what you're intending to do. NO, our tax dollars should NOT be pissed away letting everyone sit in bullshit classes for years on end. Doctors and nurses, I'd be ok with, NOT some assclown getting a philosophy degree or other more obscure shit. Basic teaching degrees should be free, but not that grad school bullshit that nobody really needs.

Moreover, colleges should have to be about education, NOT their fucking football and basketball. Let the clowns who only care about sports go pro or fuck off and pick a real job to learn. For that matter, lets tax sports more to pay for some of the shit the country actually needs. We also need to quit sending money overseas constantly. Fuck Israel and that whole region. Nothing is ever changing. Spend American money on America.

What other issues are on the plate now? Police reform? Yeah, sure. How bout first we stop wasting money on hooker stings and the bullshit "war on drugs." For all we've spent trying to get rid of drugs, the feds might as well just be buying them to keep supply low. The only thing drug laws are doing is keeping prisons overcrowded. Stupid fucks. If people want drugs, they'll get them. Deal with it. Prohibition doesn't fucking work. This is also something the gun phobic demofuckstick party needs to learn as well.

There's also the fact nobody is fixing the internet infrastructure problem in this country. How many times has Verizon etc been handed fed money to improve rural internet? FCC ruled like 5 years ago that the minimum for broadband is 25mb down. Yet, I'm still stuck with fucking 3. These fuckers aren't doing dick for rural customers, but they keep taking handouts and making promises while never being forced to answer for it.

I've always enjoyed George Carlin's take on voting. 'They say, “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain”, but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote — who did not even leave the house on Election Day — am in no way responsible for what these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created. That I didn’t have anything to do with. So when you’re having one of those swell elections that you like so much…on that day I will be doing essentially the same as you…the only difference is when I get done masturbating I’ll have a little something to show for it.' ~George Carlin

p.s. If anyone's pissed we still don't have a woman president, trying picking a candidate that we can actually jerk off to instead of a crusty old bitch. Might pull in a few more votes.

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