
Ranting & Raving

Fuck Hollywood 7/6/20

I'm glad the theaters are fucked right now. Netflix makes movies like Polar without them. That alone proves they're not necessary anymore. Home theaters are big. Streaming is big. Plenty of people are tired of going to theaters just because it's the only place you can see this movie or that one for the first 6 months. If they can't survive without that exclusivity (fucking monopoly), they don't deserve to. Fuck them, their overpriced concessions, and their fucking edited versions of movies. Every movie should go streaming and disc release day one with the goddamn director's/extended/unrated cut. That's another reason I avoid theaters. Everything gets a better, longer cut on disc.

People complain that Hollywood isn't being original anymore either. It's all remakes and sequels. Some of them are ok. What I want to know is why they can't even come up with original titles!? There are so many movies that share the same fucking title but have nothing to do with each other. It's fucking annoying.

Here's another bullshit thing. All the useless advertising at the beginning of the movie. I'm not even talking about previews. I'm talking about the ridiculous amount of studio and company logos on every fucking movie now. It used to be just Fox, or Universal, etc. Now there's like 12 different studios involved with every movie! FUCK OFF! Nobody gives a fuck which studios were involved in making the goddamn movie. Just let us fucking watch it! Who the fuck are you advertising to, cunts!? Put it in the end credits so we can ignore it easier just like all the cast and crew shit. Those loud fucking Dolby/THX intros can fuck off and die too.

The way some of these movies tell their story is fucking stupid too. I'm sorry, but I can't stand movies like Reservoir Dogs and others that can't tell a coherent fucking story from start to finish in chronological fucking order. How fucking hard is that? Why jump around in the time line!? Does the fucking producer have ADHD for fuck sake?! So many movies that could've been good are absolutely ruined by that bullshit.

Fuck the old directors/producers that have entirely too much control over their movies too. Anyone wondering why Abyss hasn't gotten a BD/UHD release? Last year was the 30th anniversary, and it went completely ignored because the studio can't fucking release it without James Cameron approving the transfer, and that cunt can't be bothered to watch his own fucking movie or sign off on it. Fuck Richard Donner too. Lethal Weapon 1-3 had extended cuts on DVD, but we'll never get those on BD because that dickfaced fuck didn't like them and demanded the studio not release them that way again. I happen to love that playground scene being added to the first movie, which Murtaugh fucking talks about in both cuts.

p.s. Fuck Netflix for not releasing their movies on disc.

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