WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! |
1 | Joker Command | D01F068A ???? |
Simulation Mode Codes |
2 | Enable Code For Cheat Device CDX1 | C10000000000 3005D6A000E0 |
3 | A Ton Of Cash | 801D0FC8 E0FF 801D0FCA 0098 |
4 | Stop Race Timer (Very Useful In License Tests) | 8002F810 0000 80046E84 0000 |
5 | Gold Licenses B | 801CC760 0400 801CC804 0400 801CC8A8 0400 801CC94C 0400 801CC9F0 0400 801CCA94 0400 801CCB38 0400 801CCBDC 0400 801CCC80 0400 801CCD24 0400 |
6 | Gold Licenses A | 801CC0F8 0400 801CC19C 0400 801CC240 0400 801CC2E4 0400 801CC388 0400 801CC42C 0400 801CC4D0 0400 801CC574 0400 801CC618 0400 801CC6BC 0400 |
7 | Gold Licenses I-C | 801CBB34 0400 801CBBD8 0400 801CBC7C 0400 801CBD20 0400 801CBDC4 0400 801CBE68 0400 801CBF0C 0400 801CBFB0 0400 801CC054 0400 |
8 | Gold Licenses I-B | 801CB428 0400 801CB4CC 0400 801CB570 0400 801CB614 0400 801CB6B8 0400 801CB75C 0400 801CB800 0400 801CB8A4 0400 801CB948 0400 801CB9EC 0400 801CBA90 0400 |
9 | Gold Licenses I-A | 801CADC0 0400 801CAE64 0400 801CAF08 0400 801CAFAC 0400 801CB050 0400 801CB0F4 0400 801CB198 0400 801CB23C 0400 801CB2E0 0400 801CB384 0400 |
10 | Gold Super License | 801CA758 0400 801CA7FC 0400 801CA8A0 0400 801CA944 0400 801CA9E8 0400 801CAA8C 0400 801CAB30 0400 801CABD4 0400 801CAC78 0400 801CAD1C 0400 |
11 | Any Car Can Play Any Circuit2 | D00148E0 000C 800148E2 1000 |
12 | Have All Gold Licenses (Cheat Device 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) | 50003CA4 0000 801CA758 0400 |
13 | Max Cash After One Race | 8005E6DA 2400 |
14 | Money Never Decreases | 80017A42 2400 80017D4A 2400 |
15 | Day Modifier | 801C9438 ???? |
16 | Start With $99,000,000+ | 800107A0 05F5 800107A2 3C02 |
17 | Start With All Gold Licenses (Alternate) | 8005DDBA A270 |
18 | All Races Completed/Sim Credits Unlocked (Cheat Device 2.2 Or Higher Needed!)3 | 50004402 0000 801C9458 1111 |
19 | Replay Screen Clear | D01FFA82 0200 801FFA82 0300 |
20 | All Cars Are Free (Simulation Disc) | 801C2DA0 0000 801C2DA2 0000 |
Arcade Mode Codes Only |
21 | Road Tracks Complete/Unlock Arcade Credits/Unlock Extra Cars (Cheat Device 2.2 Or Higher Needed!) | 50000A02 0000 801C93F8 0505 301C940C 0005 |
22 | Unlock All Road Tracks - 1P Mode | 800F364E 0083 |
23 | Unlock All Rally Tracks - 1P Mode | 800F3656 0027 |
24 | Unlock All Road Tracks - 2P Mode | 800F3658 0015 |
25 | Unlock All Rally Tracks - 2P Mode | 800F365A 0006 |
26 | Unlock All Tracks - Time Trial | 800F3652 0017 |
27 | Unlock Ending Credits (Press Select At Credit Screen)4 | D01F068A FFFE 80052580 0001 D01F068A FFFE 80052594 0001 |
28 | Replay Screen Clear | D01FFA8A 0200 801FFA8A 0300 |
Miscellaneous Codes |
29 | All Races Only Two Laps To Race (Simulation Mode) | 801FFE7A 0002 |
30 | Extra Speed (Press X + Up) | D01C920A BFEF 800A99DA 000F D01C920A BFEF 800A99DE 000F |
31 | Stupid Opponents (Press X + Select) | DO1C920A BFFE 800AA4EA 0000 D01C920A BFFE 800AD1EA 0000 D01C920A BFFE 800AC6AA 0000 D01C920A BFFE 800ABB6A 0000 D01C920A BFFE 800AB02A 0000 |
32 | 131 Track Code5 | 800F35DC 0083 |
33 | Lap Modification (1P Mode Only)6 | 801C9342 ???? |
34 | Lap Modification (2P Battle Mode Only)7 | 801C9346 ???? |
Both Discs |
35 | Quick Win | D00A99AC 0000 800A99AC 0002 801D52CA 0200 |
36 | P1 Nitrous Boost | D00A9228 4000 800A99DE 0020 D00A9228 4000 800A99DA 0020 |
37 | P1 Auto-Pilot (Press L1+R1/L2+R2) | D00A9228 1010 80000002 4D43 D00A9228 2020 80000002 0000 D0000002 4D43 800A9B2A 0004 |
38 | P2 Auto-Pilot (Press R1+R2/L1+L2) | D00A9228 3000 80000004 4D43 D00A9228 0030 80000004 0000 D0000004 4D43 800AA66A 0004 |
39 | 2-Player View Toggle | D00A9228 0001 801FFA86 0000 D00A9228 0002 801FFA86 0100 |
40 | Solid Ghost In Rally | D01D5476 0002 801D5476 0001 |
41 | Start In 1st Position | 801D53A4 0001 801D57B4 0500 |
42 | Total Laps Modifier | 801D52CA ??00 |
43 | Buy CLK Race Car8 | 800B9320 E0DC 800B9322 115C |
Notes |
1 | You cant use codes on Gran Turismo 2 if you are using the CDX version. it turns of the Auto load feature. |
2 | With this code, it allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example: You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League. |
3 | Go compete in GT World League and win. Then the game will say you completed GT. Sim Credits will then be unlocked on Arcade Disc. |
4 | To unlock the ending credits in Arcade Mode, do the following: enter in the code. Once you are on the view credits screen shut these codes off or the FMV will lock up. This code allows you to race cars with higher horse power in the lower class circuits. For Example: You can use the Dodge Viper in the first USA Nationals Circuit in the Gran Turismo League. |
5 | Don't go past track 39 on rally or it will lock up (or past track 6 on 2 player battle). You can select on track on the roadrace. This code can only be used in Arcade Mode, so after you have entered the code, select you car, then when you get to the track selection screen, you have 131 tracks to pick from. |
6 | Make sure you read the directions for each code! For Example: 801C9342 0100 equals 1 Lap; 0200 equals 2 laps; 1000 equals 16; 2000 equals 32. Do you see the patterns? |
7 | For Example: 801C9346 0001 equals 1 lap; 0002 equals 2 laps; 0010 equals 16 laps; 0020 equals 32 laps. |
8 | Go to the Honda Used Car lot and purchase a the car at the very top without a name. Then, immediately save the game and restart the game. If you try to race with this code on, the game WILL FREEZE UP. |