

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time To Shoot Each Ball7E094C64
2Infinite Lives7E0B0407
3Always 0 Seconds7E084400
4Always Shoot B.Clr (Bubble Clearer)7E08620C
5Spare Always B.Clr (Bubble Clearer)7E086E0C
6Win Game With 1 LV7E099264
7Boss After 1 Level (10,000,000 Points For Beating Boss)7E099263
81 Hit Kills Boss (Excellent When Used With Above Code)7E0AAC01
9Always Targeting7E09FC01

t_hedstrom@yahoo.com1, 2
?3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9