
World Series: The Season

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite CreditsE403 63
2Infinite Credits (2/2)E400 01
CODE: 500
3Infinite StrikesEA93 00
4Infinite BallsEA92 00
5Infinite OutsEA94 00
6Set Strikes to 0 Now!EA93 00
CODE: 001
7Set Strikes to 2 Now!EA93 02
CODE: 001
8Set Balls to 0 Now!EA92 00
CODE: 001
9Set Balls to 3 Now!EA92 03
CODE: 001
10Set Outs to 0 Now!EA94 00
CODE: 001
11Set Outs to 2 Now!EA94 02
CODE: 001
12Select Score - Away Team (Top Scoreboard)EA90 99
CODE: 073
13Select Score - Home Team (Bottom Scoreboard)EA91 99
CODE: 073

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13