
Kodure Ookami (Japan)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time063510 99
2Infinite Time (2/2)063511 99
CODE: 500
3Infinite Energy061057 08
4Infinite FireBall Cart1063772 09
5Infinite FireBall Cart (2/2)063773 09
CODE: 500
6Select Starting Level206379F 06
CODE: 071
7Infinite Lives Player 106379A 9A
8Keep a Baby on your back Player 1306379B 00
9No Lower class enemies Player 14063794 0A
CODE: 001
10Always have Sword weapon Player 106379C 00
11Always have Spear weapon Player 106379C 01
12Get Sword weapon Now! Player 106379C 00
CODE: 001
13Get Spear weapon Now! Player 106379C 01
CODE: 001
14Bonus Stage (2 Symbols) Player 106379E 02
15Infinite Lives Player 20637BA 9A
16Keep a Baby on your back Player 250637BB 00
17Always have Sword weapon Player 20637BC 00
18Always have Spear weapon Player 20637BC 01
19Get Sword weapon Now! Player 20637BC 00
CODE: 001
20Get Spear weapon Now! Player 20637BC 01
CODE: 001
21No Lower class enemies Player 260637B4 0A
CODE: 001
22Bonus Stage (2 Symbols) Player 20637BE 02

1Only activate with cart!
2Enable on the intro screen
3So that you can attack
4Only activate this when the character is NOT flashing!! Turn off at end of level
5So that you can attack
6Only activate this when the character is NOT flashing!! Turn off at end of level

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22