
Arabian Magic (World)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Credits40DC2B 09
2Infinite Time411369 64
3Infinite Lives Player 140FF5A 05
4Infinite Energy Player 140FF57 23
5Infinite Magic Player 140FF5B 09
6Infinite Ammo Player 1140FF77 09
7Invincibility Player 140FF7D 03
8Enemies never attack Player 140FF36 E8
9Maximum Power Up Player 1410D61 FF
10Infinite Lives Player 240FFAA 05
11Infinite Energy Player 240FFA7 23
12Infinite Magic Player 240FFAB 09
13Infinite Ammo Player 2240FFC7 09
14Invincibility Player 240FFCD 03
15Enemies never attack Player 240FF86 E8
16Infinite Lives Player 340FFFA 05
17Infinite Energy Player 340FFF7 23
18Infinite Magic Player 340FFFB 09
19Infinite Ammo Player 33410017 09
20Invincibility Player 341001D 03
21Enemies never attack Player 340FFD6 E8
22Infinite Lives Player 441004A 05
23Infinite Energy Player 4410047 23
24Infinite Magic Player 441004B 09
25Infinite Ammo Player 44410067 09
26Invincibility Player 441006D 03
27Enemies never attack Player 4410026 E8
28Region Switch = Japan50FFFFF 01
CODE: 001
29Region Switch = US0FFFFF 02
CODE: 001
30Region Switch = World0FFFFF 03
CODE: 001

1Effective when you have a weapon
2Effective when you have a weapon
3Effective when you have a weapon
4Effective when you have a weapon
5T:After you enable these region cheats to see any effect you will have to reset the game (F3). Then you may have to turn the Test Mode ON (F2), reset again (F3), wait for Test Mode to appear then turn the Test Mode OFF (F2) and reset (F3).

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30