
Alex Kidd (set 2)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite CreditsFFF000 09
2Infinite Time Player 1FFEF57 5A
3Infinite Lives Player 1FFEF50 06
4Single Shot Player 1FFD840 03
5Invincibility Player 1FFD84C 5D
6Infinite 'Shot 1' Time Player 1FFEF61 58
7Infinite 'Shot 2' Time Player 1FFEF63 58
8Infinite 'Jump' Time Player 1FFEF65 58
9Infinite 'Speed' Time Player 1FFEF67 58
10Always have 'Shot 1' Player 11FFD840 02
CODE: 020
11Lose 'Shot 1' Now! Player 1FFD840 02
CODE: 041
12Always have 'Shot 2' Player 1FFD840 04
CODE: 020
13Lose 'Shot 2' Now! Player 1FFD840 04
CODE: 041
14Always have 'Jump' Player 1FFD840 08
CODE: 020
15Lose 'Jump' Now! Player 1FFD840 08
CODE: 041
16Always have 'Speed' Player 1FFD840 10
CODE: 020
17Lose 'Speed' Now! Player 1FFD840 10
CODE: 041
18Infinite Time Player 2FFEFB7 5A
19Infinite Lives Player 2FFEFB0 06
20Single Shot Player 2FFDA20 03
21Invincibility Player 2FFDA2C 5D
22Infinite 'Shot 1' Time Player 2FFEFC1 58
23Infinite 'Shot 2' Time Player 2FFEFC3 58
24Infinite 'Jump' Time Player 2FFEFC5 58
25Infinite 'Speed' Time Player 2FFEFC7 58
26Always have 'Shot 1' Player 2FFDA20 02
CODE: 020
27Lose 'Shot 1' Now! Player 2FFDA20 02
CODE: 041
28Always have 'Shot 2' Player 2FFDA20 04
CODE: 020
29Lose 'Shot 2' Now! Player 2FFDA20 04
CODE: 041
30Always have 'Jump' Player 2FFDA20 08
CODE: 020
31Lose 'Jump' Now! Player 2FFDA20 08
CODE: 041
32Always have 'Speed' Player 2FFDA20 10
CODE: 020
33Lose 'Speed' Now! Player 2FFDA20 10
CODE: 041

1Don't use the 'Shot 1' and the 'Shot 2' simultaneously. The items will not be displayed correctly!!

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33