
After Burner II

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite LivesFF88E0 01
2Infinite Lives (2/2)FF88E1 29
CODE: 500
3Infinite MissilesFF8D67 32
4Invincibility1FF8D77 01
5Always Fly At Maximum SpeedFF8894 FF
6Always Fly At Maximum Speed (2/3)FF8D79 3F
CODE: 500
7Always Fly At Maximum Speed (3/3)FF8D7C FF
CODE: 500
8Quick Death Sequence2FF9125 07
9Sound Test Timer StopFF884D 00

1(It is a boring cheat.)
2This saves time waiting for the plane to crash and for a new plane to appear

cheat.retrogames.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9