
Quackshot: Starring Donald Duck

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Start With Seven Lives005026:0007
2Start With Nine Lives1005026:0009
3Infinite Lives00481E:6004
4Invulnerable To Enemy Attack005E10:600C
5Donald Doesn't Calm Down Until The End of A Level When He Loses His Temper (Or Until You Turn Off The Action ReplayTM)005FDE:6002
6Donald Loses His Temper After Only One Chili Pepper007D0E:0001
7Begin The Game With About 15 Units of Popcorn00503C:31C2
8Once Your Grab Popcorn, It Never Decreases005108:6002

1Note: By changing the last couple of digits in this code, you can change the number of Lives you wish to start with.

Mr. Book1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8