
Little Nemo - The Dream Master (U)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Health105D0 05
2Almost Invincible (See Note)20630:4B
3Infinite Lives008E 09
4Infinite Keys008C 09
5Animal Modifier (The One Nemo Is Riding)30490:XX
6Bee Can Fly Forever0660:B4
7Level Modifier40097:XX
8Animal/Nemo Colour Modifier50476:XX
9Fully Powered Beam60091:4A
10Doors Are Unlocked7008D:00

1This code affects both Nemo and the creature you're riding.
2Only spikes can hurt Nemo and pals.
3The graphics for the animal might be messed up if you use this code on its own. I highly recommend using the Animal/Nemo Colour Modifier alongside this code.

00 - None (Normal Nemo)
01 - Lizard
02 - Salamander
03 - Mole Suit (Mole Nemo)
04 - Crab
05 - Fish (Works on a plane if you're on land)
06 - Gorilla
07 - Mouse (With Hammer)
08 - Bee Suit (Bee Nemo)
4Ignore the text before each level.

00 - Dream 1 - Mushroom Forest
01 - Dream 2 - Flower Garden
02 - Dream 3 - House of Toys
03 - Dream 4 - Night Sea
04 - Dream 5 - Nemo's House
05 - Dream 6 - Cloud Ruins
06 - Dream 7 - Topsy-Turvy
07 - Dream 8 - Nightmare Land (Part 1)
08 - Dream 8 - Nightmare Land (Part 2)
09 - Dream 8 - Nightmare Land (Part 3)
0A - Ending? (Music plays, but no ending)
5Use this code with the Animal Modifier code to ensure that your chosen animal has the appropiate colour. Or, for a bit of variety, change your animal's colour to a different animal colour!

If you're not on an animal, then Nemo can have a different coloured hair! For example, if you use the gorilla's digit ('17') with just Nemo, Nemo will have brown hair!

13: Purple - Normal Nemo Colour
17: Brown - Gorilla Colour
22: Light Blue - Mouse Colour
23: Light Blue - Salamander Colour
25: Light Pink - Fish Colour
28: Light Yellow - Bee Suit Colour
2B: Green - Crab/Lizard Colour
36: Light Brown - Mole Suit Colour
6This code will allow you to keep firing the beam as if you spent time charging it, although it makes you immobile.
7This turn code on and then turn it off. If you don't, it seems to make it impossible to exit the level.

Rune a.k.a. Hitler1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10