
Simcity 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Master CodeF6000914 C305
B6002800 0000
2Infinite Money1607AEE8 3B9B
1607AEEA 0F00
3Infinite Population1607AF58 3B9B
1607AF5A 0F00
Light up Rewards Option (Must Be On With All Always Build Codes!)
4Lights up The Rewards Option1606E0A2 0001
5Always Build Mayor's House1606E9DA 00FF
6Always Build City Hall1606EA06 00FF
7Always Build Statue1606EA32 00FF
8Always Build Space Terminal1606EA5E 00FF
Activate Archology Option (Must Be On With All Always Build Arcologies!)
9Activates Archology Option1606EA8A 00FF
10Always Build Plymouth Arco1606EAB6 00FF
11Always Build Forest Arco1606EAE2 00FF
12Always Build Darco1606EB0E 00FF
13Always Build Launch Arco1606EB3A 00FF

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13