
F1 Challenge

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Master CodeF6000914 C305
B6002800 0000
2Infinite Fuel (Ferrari)16017CFC 00FF
3Tires Always Good (Ferrari)16017CF8 0EFF
4Always in 1st Place (Ferrari)36017CD8 0000
51 Lap to Finish The Race (Ferrari)136017CD9 0007
D6017CD8 1700
6Infinite Fuel (Tyrrell)16017C0C 00FF
7Tires Always Good (Tyrrell)16017C08 0EFF
8Always in 1st Place (Tyrrell)36017BE8 0000
91 Lap to Finish The Race (Tyrrell)36017BE9 0007
D6017BE8 1700
10Infinite Fuel (McLaren)16017CD4 00FF
11Tires Always Good (McLaren)16017CD0 0EFF
12Always in 1st Place (McLaren)36017CB0 0000
131 Lap to Finish The Race (McLaren)36017CB1 0007
16017CB0 1700
14Infinite Fuel (Williams)16017C5C 00FF
15Tires Always Good (Williams)16017C58 0EFF
16Always in 1st Place (Williams)36017C38 0000
171 Lap to Finish The Race (Williams)36017C39 0007
D6017C38 1700
18Infinite Fuel (Benetton)16017BBC 00FF
19Tires Always Good (Benetton)16017BB8 0EFF
20Always in 1st Place (Benetton)36017B98 0000
211 Lap to Finish The Race (Benetton)36017B99 0007
D6017B98 1700

1The `1 Lap' codes can't be combined in with any of the other codes at the same time, and just because you are ahead of everyone in laps doesn't make you have 1st place, this is a way of making it more difficult.

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21