
Triple Play 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Joker Command1D0052F7E ????
2Away Team Score Modifier30058111 00??
3Home Team Score Modifier3005810D 00??
4Always Hits A Homerun2D0058262 0100
80058234 0003
5Infinite Strikes300583E1 0000
61 Strike And You Are OutD00583E0 0000
300583E1 0002
72 Strikes And You Are OutD00583E0 0000
300583E1 0001
8Infinite Balls3000583E2 0000
91 Ball And You WalkD00583E2 0000
300583E2 0003
102 Balls And You WalkD00583E2 0000
300583E2 0002
113 Balls And You WalkD00583E2 0000
300583E2 0001
12Infinite Outs300583E3 0000
131 Out And You Are OutD00583E2 0000
300583E3 0002
142 Outs And You Are OutD00583E2 0000
300583E3 0002
150 Outs, 0 Strikes & 3 Balls (Press L1 + L2)D0052F7E 1200
300583E3 0000
D0052F7E 1200
300583E1 0000
D0052F7E 1200
300583E2 0003
162 Outs, 2 Strikes, & 0 Balls (Press R1 + R2)D0052F7E 2400
300583E3 0002
D0052F7E 2400
300583E1 0002
D0052F7E 2400
300583E2 0000
17All Runs For Home Team800FB588 0000
800FB58A 2402
18All Runs For Away Team800FB588 0004
800FB58A 2402
19All Runs Worth Modifier800FB5A4 00??
Home Run Challenge
20Infinite Outs380058482 0000
21Away Team Home Runs Modifier8005846C ????
22Home Team Home Runs Modifier8005846E ????
23Away Team Always Hit Home Run80058466 0206
80058468 0101

1Joker & 1st-15th by Daryl
2With this code, press select before you hit the ball. Do this everytime a batter comes up to the plate that you want to hit a home run. If you hit 'select' while computer is batting then they will also hit a homerun.
311th & 16th-19th by Thunder2

Daryl1, 4
CodeMaster17, 18, 19