
Road Rash 3D

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
11 Billion Dollars1800B6F7C CA00
800B6F7E 3B9A
2Trade-In Value 1 Billion Dollars800B6F88 CA00
800B6F8A 3B9A
3Have Bike Modifier Code2800B6EF8 000?
4Infinite Bike Durability8010EEAA 7F7F
5Have Weapon Modifier Code For Big Game3800B6F4C 0???
6Infinite Biker Health8010EE72 8080
7Have Weapon Modifier Code All Modes48010EEB2 000?
8Level 1 Opponents On Any Level!800C2354 0000
9No Sliding5800D66FA 0000
10Unlimited Nitro Speed For Any Bike6800D677C 0000
11Start With 8 Nitros For Any Bike7300D6805 0008

11st-3rd,5th-7th by Thunder2, 4th by
200 - FireCracker 250RR
01 - DuMoto 500
02 - Scavenger 450
03 - Rattler
04 - MissileBlade 600CVR
05 - DMG 747
06 - Predator 750
07 - Razorback
08 - Tsunami XZR1000
09 - DuMoto 999
0A - Executioner 1000
0B - HammerHead

In order for the weapon to be used, simply load the weapon code in Big Game Mode, save to memory card turn code off then reload the saved data!

000 - Nothing
001 - Chain
002 - Club
004 - Pipe
008 - 2x4
010 - Nunchaku
020 - Crowbar
040 - Cattle Prod
080 - Stun Gun
100 - Mace
1FF - All Weapons
40 - Chain
1 - Club
2 - Pipe
3 - 2x4
4 - Nunchaku
5 - Crowbar
6 - Cattle Prod
7 - Stun Gun
8 - Mace
9 - Fist
5This allows your bike to not slip and slide.
6This code allows you to go at the bike's nitro speed for any bike.
7Even if a bike doesn't have nitros the display for nitros still shows up. This may cause graphic glitches if the number is greater than 8.

Thunder21, 3, 5, 7
ace_nc@yahoo.com8, 9, 10, 11