
Ridge Racer Revolution

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Race as Black Lamborghini8007C43A 000C
2Race as Black Lamborghini Kid8007C43A 000D
3Race as White Angel8007C43A 000E
4Extra Cars 11801DE318 0028
5Extra Cars 2801DD208 0001
6Course Select801DC9C8 0707
7Always Place 1st8007C508 0001
8Car Stuck In Place28007C368 761E
8007C448 761E
9Always Hear The Checkpoint Noise38007C368 761E
8007C3F8 01E6

1Code 4 works by giving you a perfect score in the Galaga game. You have to wait all 4 rounds to activate the code!
2You can move your car side to side but it will not move forward, its like there is a wall in front of you.
3You will constantly hear the check point noise even if your nowhere near one. You may have to pass one first then its non-stop noise.

raistlin@cinti.net1, 2, 3
CodeBoy5, 6
Evil_JigglyPuff7, 8, 9