

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Character Modifier Quantity Digits1N/A
2Equipment Modifier Quantity Digits2N/A

101 - Billy
02 - Tell
03 - Kid
04 - Sharte
05 - Terra
06 - Koro
07 - Duke
08 - Albatross
09 - Chiba
0A - L-Kun
0B - Flare
0C - Ledgem
0D - DarkKnight
0E - Wrewolf
0F - Beast
10 - Earth Dragon
11 - Ice Dragon
12 - Fire Dragon
13 - Wind Dragon
14 - Thunder Dragon
15 - Dark Dragon
16 - White Dragon
17 - Dinosaur
18 - Behemoth
19 - Griffin
1A - White Wind
1B - Chimera
1C - Ctrice
1D - Nightmare
1E - Golem
1F - Iron Golem
20 - Fire Golem
21 - Queen Bee
22 - Royal Bee
23 - BoBo
24 - BuBu
25 - BeBe
26 - Mermaid
27 - Aerial
28 - Siren
29 - MiniFire
2A - MiniIce
2B - MiniThunder
2C - MiniEarth
2D - MiniDark
2E - Bee
2F - Boo
30 - Ghosty
31 - Ghost
32 - Elinger
33 - Sleshroom
34 - Mushroom
35 - Poishroom
36 - Jelly
37 - JellyFish
38 - JellyBomb
39 - MagBomb
3A - MetJelly
3B - Eagle
3C - Firebird
3D - SaboSabo
3E - TogeToge
3F - Igalga
40 - TickTick
41 - Ninetail
42 - Fox
43 - InLizard
44 - Salamand
45 - Amadillo
46 - Ankiro
47 - Toad
48 - Poison Toad
49 - Venom Toad
4A - Faerie
4B - Silph
4C - BoneBoy
4D - BoneMan
4E - BoneDaddy
4F - SuperBones
50 - Nyanko
51 - Nyanki
52 - Nyanchi
53 - Burg
54 - Centaur
55 - Dragib
56 - Painting
57 - Knight
58 - General
59 - D Knight
5A - Sniper
5B - S Shotter
5C - S Knight
5D - Samurai
5E - Shogun
5F - Ego
60 - Flare
61 - Olivia
62 - Hammer
63 - Momie
64 - Cornet
65 - Cornet
66 - Kururu
67 - Prince
68 - Etoile
69 - Marjoly
6A - Myao
6B - Crowdia
6C - Gao
6D - S Kururu
6E - Cherie
6F - R Heart
70 - L Heart
71 - Main Heart
72 - Mucholy
73 - Shirowdia
74 - Hao
75 - Nyao
76 - Caroline
77 - Micheal
201 - Healing Candy
02 - Medi Candy
03 - Energy Candy
04 - Elixer Candy
05 - Healing Ball
06 - Elixir Ball
07 - Wake Candy
08 - Wake Ball
09 - Antidote Chips
0A - Antidote Ball
0B - Para Gum
0C - Para Ball
0D - Sanity Gummi
0E - Strawberry Kiss
0F - Rabbit Pie
10 - Lovestone
11 - Reality
12 - Revive Potion
13 - Heal Cocoa
14 - Medi Cocoa
15 - Energy Cocoa
16 - Elixir Cocoa
17 - Cats Paw
18 - Tigers Paw
19 - Dragons Claw
1A - Fighters Charm
1B - Warriors Charm
1C - Heros Charm
1D - Thinking Cap
1E - Smart Cap
1F - Genius Cap
20 - Speed Shoes
21 - Sonic Shoes
22 - Defense
23 - Robes
24 - Charm Valor
25 - Holy Charm
26 - Robes Of Healing
27 - Darkstone
28 - Firestone
29 - Waterstone
2A - Windstone
2B - Thunderstone
2C - Earthstone
2D - Holystone
2E - Illustration 1
2F - Illustration 2
30 - Illustration 3
31 - Illustration 4
32 - Illustration 5
33 - Illustration 6
34 - Illustration 7
35 - Illustration 8
36 - Illustration 9
37 - Illustration 10
38 - Illustration 11
39 - Illustration 12
3A - Illustration 13
3B - Illustration 14
3C - Illustration 15
3D - Teleporter
3E - Cats Eye
3F - Warp Ring
40 - Bobo
41 - BBQ
42 - Dark Key
43 - Egg
44 - Toad
45 - Rare Ring
46 - Rune Key
47 - Snow Herb

All by Sage1, 2