
NHL 2001

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Skill PointsD0098658 AC43
8009865A 2400
2Home Team Score Modifier13004868E 00??
30121678 00??
3Away Team Score Modifier300486EE 00??
30121714 00??
4Home Team Shots Taken 1st Period Modifier300486C2 00??
5Home Team Shots Taken 2nd Period Modifier300486C3 00??
6Home Team Shots Taken 3rd Period Modifier300486C4 00??
7Away Team Shots Taken 1st Period Modifier30048722 00??
8Away Team Shots Taken 2nd Period Modifier30048723 00??
9Away Team Shots Taken 3rd Period Modifier30048724 00??
10Goal's Score Modifier8007A5D4 00??
11Max Momentum-Home Team8011FFD8 03E8
12Max Momentum-Away Team8011FFDC 03E8
13No Momentum-Home Team8011FFD8 0000
14No Momentum-Away Team8011FFDC 0000

1With these codes, at the end of the game it will say you lost if you really did in the game but... at the season stat screen you will have won and that's where it counts.

Raven-1871, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14