
Final Fantasy Chronicles

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Save Points Don't Beep801F6020 0000
World Map Codes
First Character
2Transparent80029024 01F0
3Randomly Turn Invisible8002E70A 5552
4Action Modifier #118002ED80 00??
5Action Modifier #228002ED98 00??
6Sprite Modifier38002ED80 ??00
7Ice Skate Mode8002ED72 0000
Second Character
8Stands In One Place8002EE32 0002
Area Codes
9Ice Skate Mode8002E9A0 0001
10Ice Skate Mode 28002F682 0000
11Sugar Rush Mode80032218 0000
65,000,000 B.C. Codes
12Snow Falls in a Strange Way8002E04A 3112
600 A.D. Codes
13Wavy Mist When Walking8002E02A 00D4
14Mist Always Still8002ED92 0D06
1,000 A.D. Codes
15Clouds Modifier48002ED12 ????
2,300 A.D. Codes
16Snow Modifier58002E1E2 ????
All Time Periods Codes
17World Map Graphics Fix8002E040 0009
18Transparent68002E040 0009
19Night-time Mode #18002E046 05FF
20Night-time Mode #28002E048 0300

101 - 2 Cronos
Another 2 Cronos
Another Yelling/Dancing
201 - Always Looking North
02 - Always Looking South
03 - Always Looking West
04 - Always Looking East
301 - Black Blob
02 - Dark Crono
07 - Gold Blob
40 - 4 Chronos
41 - Steam Boat?
42 - 4 Dark Cronos
40000 - Always Still
33FF - Moving Southwest to Northeast
FF33 - Moving East to South
50000 - Moving Southwest to Northeast
6Don't go into battle with this code.

asdsq@webtv.net1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20