
F1 2000

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Time Always Under A Second80034E20 0000
2Start On Lap Modifier (Cheat Device 2.2 Or Higher Needed!)E0034E2D 0000
30034E2D 00??
3Always On Lap Modifier30034E2D 00??
4# Of Laps In A Race Modifier180146574 00??
5Difficulty Modifier28014657C 00??
6Damage Modifier380146578 00??

100 - 4 Laps
01 - 8 Laps
02 - 16 Laps
200 - Easy
01 - Medium
02 - Hard
03 - Expert
300 - Off
01 - On

All by Sage4, 5, 6