

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Shooting (Skeet Shoot)80067C0C FF64
2Infinite Energy (Skeet Shoot)80067C10 0007
3Infinite Energy & Shooting (All Flying)80068334 0190
4Kills All Viruses18006832C 0009
5Open All Levels30052DB4 0001
30052DB5 0001
30052DB6 0001
30052DB7 0001
30052DC1 0001
30052DC2 0001
30052DC3 0001
30052DC4 0001
30052DC5 0001
30052DC8 0001
30052DC9 0001
30052DCA 0001
30052DCB 0001
30052DCC 0001
30052DCD 0001
30052DCE 0001
30052DD2 0001
30052DD3 0001
30052DD4 0001
30052DD5 0001
30052DD6 0001
30052DDD 0001
30052DE0 0001

1With this code, the percent still changes, but it will kill the virus when you go all the way through it!

All by CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 4, 5