
Black Dawn

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Time80054C54 0000
80054C64 0000
8005772C 0000
8005FC60 0000
8005FC64 0000
2Infinite Msc's8005FCF0 0063
3Infinite Rkt's8005FCF2 03E7
4Infinite Nap's8005FCF4 0063
5Infinite Tac's8005FCF6 0063
6Always Play Level Modifier1800F23DC 00??
7Start on Level ModifierD00F23DC 0000
800F23DC 00??
8Enable Level Modifier800E9634 00??
9Msc's Fully Powered up3005FCFA 0003
10Rkt's Fully Powered up3005FCFB 0003
11Nap's Fully Powered up3005FCFC 0003
12Tac's Fully Powered up3005FCFD 0003
13Gun Fully Powered up3005FCFE 0003
14`Perfect' Pause Enabled8005EF78 0001


These quantity digits apply to all `Level Modifier' codes!

00 - Operation Urban Strike
01 - Operation Black Out
02 - Operation Ice Storm
03 - Operation Desert Fury
04 - Operation Riger Trap
05 - Operation Crack Down
06 - Operation Hurricane

CodeMaster1, 6
CodeBoy2, 3, 4, 5