
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Version 1.0

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
This Game Requires A Version 2.2+ Cheat Device
Cheat Modifiers
1Have Cheat Modifier 118111AADC ????
2Have Cheat Modifier 228111AADE ????
3Activate All Cheats8111AADA FFFF
4Enter "V" To Activate The Big Cheat800C10B0 0056
800C10B1 0000
Miscellaneous Codes
5P1 Character Modifier (1P)38111AB48 00?0
6Blind One Boss Energy Modifier8111012A ????
7"Improved Co-op Mode"4D00F5C61 0014
8111AAF0 0000
D00F5C61 0024
8111AAF0 0001
8"Improved Co-op Mode" (Part 2)5N/A
91 Lifeforce For Extra Life802FC4C9 0063
10Hacker's Helper6810F5C60 0000
810F5C66 0000
810F5C6C 0000
810F5C72 0000
11Open Raptor's Closet (Level 1)800ED62C 0001
12Open The 2 Walls On The 2nd Floor Near The Beginning Of Level 1800ED62B 00D0
13Freeze Code78011ACA7 000?
14Restart Level88011AC8B 000D
15Walk In Beginning Cutscene98011AC8B 0000
16Brightness Modifier108111AC94 ????
17Cutscene Modifier118011AC8B 00??
18Monkey P1128011ACE7 0001
19Music Modifier13800C1F7B 00??
800F478F 00??
20Music Volume Modifier (Works Anytime)14800F478B 00XX
21Map Modifier158011AAA3 000?
22Mega Jump8017FC28 0040
23Speed Modifier8117FC24 ????
24Y Coordinate Modifier8117FC38 ????
25No Fogging Solo & Multi800A5401 0030
26The BIG Effect Code For Blood & Guns16800A6270 003D
27Higher Turok (Solo Missions Only)800A6CDD 0043
28Let The Dinos Bleed More800A6478 0042
800ACE10 0040
29Camera In Multi800AA819 00EE
30Camera Solo17800AA819 00??
31Shadow-Lightning800A5FA4 0042
32Turok Speed In Solo & Multi800ADDC0 0042
33The Matrix Code800B6D30 003E
800B6D31 0000
34Instant Warp18D00F5C61 0010
8011002B 0001
D00F5C61 0010
8111004E ????
35Warp Type Modifier1980110027 00??
36Save Anywhere20D00F5C61 0010
8011002B 0001
D00F5C61 0010
8111004E 03E7
D00F5C61 0010
81110056 ????
37Number Of Keys Required For Access To Level 2 Modifier21800F0DB8 00??
38Number Of Keys Required For Access To Level 3 Modifier800F0DB7 00??
39Number Of Keys Required For Access To Level 4 Modifier800F0DB9 00??
40Number Of Keys Required For Access To Level 5 Modifier800F0DBA 00??
41Number Of Keys Required For Access To Level 6 Modifier800F0DAA 00??
42Number Of Keys Required For Access To The Primagen Modifier800F0DB3 00??
43Things Won't Blow Up + Screwed Up Iguana In The Intro80110023 0035
80110027 0000
80110033 0001
44The 2 Walls At The Beginning Of Port Of Adia Level Are Already Blown Open810ED5B2 011B
45The Small Hole In The Wall In The 2nd Area Of Port Of Adia Level Is Already Blown Open810ED62A 4010
810ED670 0000
46No Raptoids(May Only Work For Warp Spot 044A)80178FDE 0000
801791BE 0000
47First Door In Hive of Mantids At Warp Digit - 157C - Door Open Or Closed (One Or Other, Random)22811D827C 000?
811DBEDD 000?
48First Door In Hive Of Mantids At Warp Digit - 157C Size Modifier23811D81D4 ????
811D81D8 ????
811D81DC ????
49Remove ALL Hive Of Mantid Doors That Go Into 8 Pieces80184C27 0000
50Remove ALL Black Grates Blocking Passages In First Level (like The One You Get For Shooting Seagulls)80184CEE 0000
51Remove ALL Doors In Port Of Adia That You Hit A Switch Open80184A1E 0000
52Remove ALL Talisman/Nuke Blue Parts80184A47 0000
53Sound Modifier Of Death, Adon's Save, Etc.24800F55D3 00??
54Sound Volume Modifier (7FFF normal)810F55D6 ????
55All Icons (Like Health Cross) Don't Appear800B6D57 0000
56Health Always Respawns At The Respawning Health Spot At Warp 100D As Long As You Have Less Than 100 Health811D63F4 0000
811D63F6 0000
811D9F54 0000
811D9F56 0000
57What Weapon It Goes To On Switch (If In Normal Style)802FCFEF 00??
58Raptor Can Now Use Weapons (Lo-Res Only!)25D10F5C60 C000
802F5F13 0001
D10F5C60 0004
802F5F13 000A
Both-Res Codes
59Infinite Ammo (All Guns)810487F8 2400
60Life Force (Gem) Worth Modifier8103F548 2402
8103F54A ????
61Infinite Health8104950C 2400
62Invincible8104939C 2400
810493AC 2400
63Enemies Don't Lose Health (Probably Can Only Be Killed By The Nuke)8105B58C 2400
64All Enemies Start With Double Health810429AC 0800
810429AE 0018
810429B0 0002
810429B2 1200
81000060 0042
81000062 1021
81000064 0809
81000066 0A6D
81000068 AC82
8100006A 0004
65All Enemies Start With Quad Health810429AC 0800
810429AE 0018
810429B0 0002
810429B2 1200
81000060 0002
81000062 1080
81000064 0809
81000066 0A6D
81000068 AC82
8100006A 0004
66One Hit Kills8105B584 2400
67No Damage From Being Underwater Too Long81054530 2400

10001 - Warp-Port of Adia
0002 - War-River of Souls
0004 - Warp-Death Marshes
0008 - Warp-Liar of The Blind Ones
0010 - Warp-Hive of The Mantis
0020 - Warp-Primagen's Lightship
0040 - Warp-Queen Boss
0080 - Warp-Blind One Boss
0100 - Warp-Mother Boss
0200 - Warp-Primagen Boss
0400 - Warp-Credits
07FF - All of The Above
20001 - Invincibility
0002 - Infinite Lives
0004 - All Weapons
0008 - Unlimited Ammo
0010 - All Special Objects
0020 - Big Head Mode
0040 - Tiny Mode
0080 - Stick Mode
0100 - Big Hands/Feet Mode
0200 - Pen & Ink Mode
0400 - Gouraud Mode
0800 - Juan's Cheat
1000 - Zach Attack
2000 - All Map
4000 - Blackout
8000 - Frooty Stripes
FFFF - All of The Above
3This code doesn't work like the Multiplayer codes do. First of all, it only works about half of the time. If you put A for Raptor, you can only use your Talon, just like the Raptor using his claw. If you enter B, you can't you any weapons, just like the monkey. All other digits don't do anything to Turok. Enjoy!
4First, have the above code turned ON. start up a Co-op game, now, push R + C-Down to activate it.
5You can now choose from all single player weapons and options! Plus, you can now have one person go through a portal and BOTH players will warp!!! TA-DA! I fixed the Co-op problems!!!
If you push L + C-Down, you reset the game to the Multi-Player options.

Now for the side effects-
1. The sight on the Cerebral Bore is messed up when the code is activated, but still works (a little less than usual).
2. You can't change your layout(horizontal/vertical screens two player) when the code is activated, so, deactivate it with L + C-Down, and you can change the option.
3. When activated in a multi-player stage, the "texture set" will rapidly change, plus, the characters will disappear from sight.
4. And, finally, when one player dies, both players will die, so turn on infinite health and infinite lives to help you out! There might be more problems, but I haven't found any...

6This code prevents that annoying controller glitch that happens when you try to search with more than one controller plugged in.
7Use with activator

0 = Normal
1 = Freeze
8Change to 000C for restart level. (activator or mem editor)
9Set to that value during the lizard scene to walk in it. Use the mem editor or an activator.
10where normally XXXX=3F80
Adjusting to say 3F60 will let you begin to see the screen darken. Setting to say 3E80 makes it very dark.
1100 = restart game
01 = Copyright
02 = In store demo info (beta left in game?)
03 = Exp. Pack info
04 = Acclaim logo
05 = Lizard at Iguana Logo with gun
06 = ?
07 = Normal setting
09= Turok Seeds of Evil Screen
0A = Random Cut Scene Demo
0B = Turok appears through portal to Adon
0C = Port of Adia scene
0D = Ships sinks in Port Adia
0E = Screen Shakes
0F = Plays Credits
12A red white and blue shield icon appears center screen and then goes to the lower right hand corner of the screen and rotates. As usual you cannot use any weapons as monkey.
13where xx 0-16

(there are 22 music tracks, 22 decimal equals 16 in hex). Seems to work on in debug screen.
14(Thanks to Charizard for helping cinch this one.)
150 = No Map
2 = Map Always On-Screen
16It is for multi and solo missions
17A0 - Far
20 - Close
18More digits will come later. Press R to warp to desired location. I suggest using memory to change.

0001 - Blind One Boss
0002 - Mantid Queen Boss
0003 - Mother Boss
0004 - Primagen Boss
000A - the strange platform in space where Adon tells you what is going on (when you start a new game)...with WTW!?
002F - Port of Adia Cutscene
0032 - New Game Cutscene
1C20 Defend Totem River of Souls
1C84 Defend Totem
1D4D Mantid Boss
00AF Death Marshes Near Breath of light spot
1770 Lightship
1396 ? Haven't been to the level yet. It's normal, just haven't been there yet. Mantids?
1018 Blind Ones Level Save 1
1019 Blind Ones Level Save 2
0BB8 Death Marshes beginning
07D0 River of Souls Start
07D1 Brown Feather Talisman
07D2 At Brown Feather Talisman Warp
07D3 Second Nuke Part Battle
07D4 At Second Nuke Part Battle
0BB7 At Hub at River Of Souls Entrance
0BB8 Death Marshes Start
0BB9 Blue Feather Talisman
0BBA At Blue Feather Talisman
0BBB Third Nuke Part Battle
0BBC At Third Nuke Part Battle Warp
0F9F At Death Marshes Hub
0FA0 Blind Ones Start
0FA1 Red Feather Talisman
0FA2 At Red Feather Talisman
0FA3 Fourth Nuke Part Battle
0FA4 Fourth Nuke Part Battle Warp
1387 At Blind Ones Hub
1388 Hive of Mantids Start
1389 Mantid Feather
138A At Mantid Feather Warp
138B Fifth Nuke Part Battle
138C At Fifth Nuke Part Battle Warp
176F At Mantid Hub
1770 Primagen Light Ship Start
1771 Primagen Feather
1772 At Primagen Feather Warp
1773 Sixth Nuke Part battle
1774 Outside Sixth Nuke Part battle.
1B57 At Hub for primagen lightship
1DB1 Blind One Boss
1DB2 Mantid Boss

Port of Adia:

03E8 - Level Start
044A - 1st Warp Portal
044B - 2nd Warp Portal
0717 - 3rd Warp Portal
0425 - 1st Save Warp
0598 - 4th Warp Portal (at 2nd key)
03ED - 5th Warp Portal
03E9 - In Talisman Chamber
03EA - Talisman Warp Portal
0424 - 2nd Save Portal
03EE - 6th Warp Portal
03EF - 7th Warp Portal (Waterfall Warp)
03F0 - 8th Warp Portal
0421 - 9th Warp Portal
03F1 - 10th Warp Portal
03F2 - 11th Warp Portal
0426 - 3rd Save Portal
03EB - Inside Nuke Portal
03EC - At Nuke Portal
1BBC - Totem Battle
07CF - Hub - at Port of Adia Portal
0063 - Hub - at Save Portal
1900 - nothing
01 - go to black
02 - blue
03 - nothing
04 - red
05 - green
20Press R to trigger the save warp. the ???? determines your return location. Use Instant Warp Digits
21For best results, set to 01... setting to 00 won't open them.
2200 open
01 closed
23in one spot, you can find other. Restart if not at this spot.
2413 War Blade
14 Tekbow
15 Pistol
16 Mag 60
17 Shotgun
18 Shredder
19 Tramquilizer
1A Charge Dart
1B Plasma Rifle
1C Firestorm Cannon
1D PFM Launcher
1E Grenade Launcher
1F Cerebral Bore
20 Flame thrower
21 Razorwind
22 Nuke
23 Harpoon Launcher
24 Torpedo Launcher
25 That weapon is not available.
26 Sunfire Pod
27 Crossbow
28 Scorpion Missile Launcher
29 Flame Walker?
2A Invincibility.
2B Flashlight
2C You have found a sacred eagle feather.
2D Full Health
2E Ultra Health
2F Your health is dangerously low.
30 Be Careful Turok
31 Ten lives remaining
32 Nine lives remaining
33 Eight lives remaining
34 Seven lives remaining
35 Six lives remaining
36 Five lives remaining
37 Four lives remaining
38 Three lives remaining
39 Two lives remaining
3A One life remaining
3B Your Oxygen is low
3C Get to the surface
3D That was close
3E Mission Accomplished
3F Warp Portal Activated
40 Hurry Turok
41 Hurry
42 Energy Totem Destroyed: You have failed your mission.
43 Mission Failed
44 You have failed your mission.
45 Child Rescued.
46 Distress Beacon Activated
47 Prisoner Freed
48 Ammunition Storage Facility Destroyed.
49 Soul Gate Destroyed
4A Sister of Despair Banished
4B You have banished the sisters of despair.
4C Queen Embryo Destroyed
4D Master Computer Destroyed
4E Force field generator destroyed.
4F Force field down
50 Thermal Vent Sealed
51 Ion capacitor found
52 You purified the river of souls, Turok.
53 Assembly line destroyed
54 Primagen key found
55 You have found part of the nuke weapon
56 You must save the totem, Turok.
57 Your mission objectives are as follows.
58 Greetings, Turok, I am Adon...
59 I am Turok!
5A This once peaceful army has been utterly destroyed by the Primagen's command.
5B Activate Three Distress beacons.
5C Rescue Four Children
5D Activate the warp portal
5E Locate the energy totem, and defend it at all costs.
5F In the hills surrounding the city, the battle wages on...
60 The river of souls, the very name strikes fear...
61 Destroy Two Soul gates.
62 Legions of the undead have begun pouring...
63 Destroy the three sisters of despair.
64 Slaughter by the river of souls.
65 Open the great wooden gates. Opening the gates will give access to deeper caverns.
66 Certain objects, such as barrels, may be destroyed with a well placed shot...
67 The Death Marshes.
68 The Death Marshes are home to the mighty...
69 Rescue Five prisoners.
6A Destroy Three Ammunition Storage Facilities.
6B Locate part of the key to the primagen's command center.
6C The Lair of the Blind Ones.
6D Little is known of this mysterious place...
6E Seal Three Thermal Vents, trapping the blind ones under tons of brick.
6F The Hive of the Mantids.
70 The Mantids are an aggressive and extremely intelligent race...
71 Destroy Three Queen Embryos.
72 Destroy the master computer.
73 The Primagen's lightship
74 Little is known of this mysterious invasion vessel...
75 Purify the river of souls.
76 The waste created by the lightships power source...
77 Locate six ion capacitors.
78 Ion capacitors are needed to purify the river of souls.
79 Destroy Three automated assembly plants.
7A The primagen's lightship is completely independent...
7B This is a talisman chamber. A holy place that evil cannot enter...
7C Turok, a strange presence fills this evil place... (nuke portal text)
7D Thank the counsel that you still lived Turok! This continues to confuse not let this threat deter you. The primagen must be destroyed, or all is lost.
7E The primagen has been destroyed Turok!...
7F I have been unable to identify the source which was against you in your battle against the Primagen...
80 Thank you for your valor Turok. We now know the Primagen is no more...

81 Greetings Turok, how may I assist you?
82 How may I assist you?
83 Would you like to save your current game?
84 Are you sure you would like to delete this game?
85 Game saved!
86 Game deleted.
87 Character saved.
88 Character deleted.
89 Very well.
8A Are you sure?
8B Health granted.
8C Ammunition granted.
8D Ammo granted.
8E Memory Pak Full
8F Your memory pak is full. Please delete a game and insert a memory pak.
90 Your memory pak is full. Please insert a new memory pak.
91 Unable to save game data. Your memory pak is full!
92 I am to unable grant you assistance at this time.
93 ...I grant you the heart of fire...
94 ...I grant you the leap of faith talisman...
95 ...I grant you the eye of truth talisman...
96 ...I grant you the breath of life talisman...
97 ...the spirits grant you the whispers talisman...
98 Stop, you cannot enter here (Talisman voice dude).
99 Stop, you are not welcome here (Talisman voice dude).
9A Human, power beyond your comprehension of flesh. The primagen must not be stopped. (from one of nuke portals).
9B We are the dark, we are oblivion...
9C ...cannot be stopped...your life, your very existance...(same voice as 9B)
9D Your efforts are meaningless...
9E It is inevitable.
25To use this code, press A+B to access your weapons cache, then select any weapon you want. If you use this code in conjunction with the multiplayer "co-op" code, you can also access the single-player weapons! Hmmm...raptor with the nuke...yikes!

To deactivate the code, press C-Down. One major upshot of this code is that you can regain health when it is activated, due to the fact that I chose Adon's character digit (0001) for the first code.

It works a little better if you use the standard jumper pak that comes with your N64, instead of switching over to low-res while using the expansion pak. I've experienced some framerate slowdown, invisible enemies, and game freezes from time to time when playing in low-res with the expansion pak.

CodeMaster1, 2
Crock (of shit)3
Viper6664, 6
Gray Vader5
Parasyte7, 8
Viper18710, 11, 12, 21, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
macrox13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Quantum Rift22, 23, 24
J.Lint & Hack Master25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
Ass Wigit@hotmail.com34
Ass Wigit35, 36, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57